"WLDNAV.200" is a world navigation program for the Model 200 modeled after a similar program "WORLD.100". In addition to the changes which were made for the M200, the program has used portions of the screen dump program "LCDSAV.200". The following programs are required: NAME BYTES CHECKSUM WLDNAV.200 1817 127,785 WORLD.PIC 5200 342,206 WLDNAV.DOC 1338 "WLDNAV.200" displays a picture of the world (WORLD.PIC) and allows you to select any two points on the map and displays the Latitude, Longitude and time for each location and the distance, in nautical miles between them. As writen, the program has as it start point, Edmonton, Alberta which is on Mountain Standard Time (Zulu -7). New locations are selected by moving the cursor (a dot) with the arrow keys. Definitions: ave - Saves current location of cursor ist - Calculates distance (nm) between Saved position and present Location edraw - Redraws map oc - Defines present location of cursor enu - Returns you to main menu. Redefining start point: a. Move cursor to location of your desired start point with arrow keys; b. Interupt program with Cntl-C (^C); c. Print X, Print Y; and d. Update program by inserting these new values in line 12. Enjoy! By Glenn Robertson Edmonton, Alberta 73117,675