XCOMM.DOC [9/4/89] Copyright (c)1989 by James Yi [73327,1653] XCOMM is a simple terminal program with Ascii, Xmodem, Xmodem 1K, and Ymodem Batch file transfer protocols. It is 1710 bytes and relocatable as it is loaded by the Basic loader. Before running XCOMM.CO, clear HIMEM by going to Basic and LOADM the file, and then CLEAR 255,Top where Top is the first address you see when it's LOADMed. It is not fully featured, like TELCOM, in order save memory space, for those times when you might need it. But it has all the basic neccessary functions. Except getting the phone connected, if using the internal modem. You can do that by exiting to Basic while online with TELCOM and RUNM"XCOMM", or use the following simple Basic driver. If using external modem, you can just run XCOMM by itself without doing anything first. It will connect with the modem all by itself. 1 'Phone dialer for Tandy 200 2 'Connects XCOMM with the internal 300 baud modem. 3 OL=25010:'Pick up phone 4 RO=25032:'Modem relay on 5 W2=25102:'2 second time delay 6 T1=36751:'Enable touch tone dial 7 T0=36737:'Disable touch tone dial 8 TD=36670:'Touch tone dial one digit 9 AC=25046:'Turn on carrier 11 AR=34526:'Activate RS232 port 12 DR=34741:'Deactivate RS232 port 13 DM=25018:'Put phone on hook, turn off modem relay, turn off carrier 20 C$=CHR$(0)+CHR$(205)+CHR$(74)+CHR$(135)+CHR$(119)+CHR$(201):C=VARPTR(C$):C=PEEK(C+1)+PEEK(C+2)*256 30 LINEINPUT "Dial: ";D$ 40 CALL OL:CALL RO:CALL W2 45 CALL T1:FOR D=1 TO LEN(D$):CALL TD,ASC(MID$(D$,D,1)):NEXT:CALL T0:PRINT 50 CALL AR,,846:'Activate serial port 60 FOR W=1 TO 2000:CALL C+1,,C:IF ASC(LEFT$(C$,1))=0 THEN 100 ELSE NEXT 90 PRINT "No Carrier":CALL DR:CALL DM:END 100 PRINT "Carrier detected" 110 CALL AC:'Turn on carrier 120 RUNM"xcomm" 125 PRINT:PRINT"Logoff?";:R$=INPUT$(1):IFR$<>"y"THEN120 130 CALL DR:CALL DM 140 END At the "Baud?" prompt when the program is first ran, type the number corresponding to the baud rate: 0 = 300 baud, internal modem. External modem: 3 = 300 4 = 600 5 = 1200 6 = 2400 Function keys: F2 - Download. F3 - Upload. F4 - Toggle Full/Half duplex. F5 - Toggle Echo to printer. F6 - Goto Menu without disconnecting modem. Then enter BASIC,TEXT, go back to XCOMM, etc. Warning: Exit from TEXT disconnects modem. F8 - Exit - RETurns to where it was called from. The function keys are not visible. It can download or upload to and from a device that you specify with the file names. (0:file, RAM:file, file, etc.) Download or upload can be aborted by pressing ESC key. The program will abort, but if the other side doesn't abort within reasonable amount of time, try pressing CTRL-X a few times. Holding down SHIFT while up/downing lets you see the contents of the blocks being transferred. Ymodem is usually faster than Xmodem, and Xmodem 1K sightly faster than Ymodem because Ymodem transfers extra two blocks containing file name, length, date. It will display this information when downloading with Ymodem.