XMDPW5.LOD -- Loading XMDPW5.200 -------------------------------- Using XMDPW5.200 to create XMDPW5.CO in the Tandy 200 will take special measures -- compared to the 100 version, where you can simply "Load" the DO file to create the BA loader, and then run the BA file to create the CO program. Since the total size of the DO file (XMDPW5.200) and resulting BA loader exceeds the memory capacity of the 200, this approach will not work. There is now a "James Yi Special" approach! 0. Use DO2BA.200 (Lib 10) This is the approach of choice. Get James Yi's DO2BA.200 and use it to create DO2BA.CO in your 200. Download XMDPW5.200 as XMDPW5.DO, and back it up (e.g., to another bank). Then run DO2BA to convert XMDPW5.DO to XMDPW5.BA. Then -- after doing CLEAR 256,MAXRAM -- run XMDPW5.BA to create XMDPW5.CO. Afterward, save everything to a mass storage device (e.g., TDD). 1. Use a Cassette If you have (and don't mind using!) a cassette, try the following procedure (which I have verified): a) Download XMDPW5.200 into your 200 as XMDPW5.DO, edit any garbage if done with R)ead, verify the checksum (a must!), and save to a blank cassette from Text as XMDPW5. b) Empty your 200, or at least the bank in which you will create XMDPW5.CO. You will need almost a whole bank to proceed. Do CLEAR 256,MAXRAM in Basic to recover any RAM reserved by machine language programs. c) With the tape rewound, and the recorder in play, go to Basic and type RUN"CAS: . You should get a message that XMDPW5 has been found. d) At the end of the tape run, the program will run. Hit ENTER in response to the question. 2. Use of Multiple RAM Banks in the 200 I have not tried this, but it should work. a) Download XMDPW5 as above. Then go into Text and break it into two or more roughly equal pieces. b) Leave the first chunk in your working bank, and move the rest to another bank. Clear out memory as above, except for the first chunk of the DO file. c) Go to Basic and load the first chunk, and SAVE the resulting BA program. Kill the first chunk, and go get the second one, and repeat, using the MERGE command in Basic. Repeat until you have the entire BA program. d) Then, with only XMDPW5.BA on the menu, run it. Hit ENTER in response to the question. 3. To Finish Either scheme will give you XMDPW5.CO on the menu, with TOP=56870, END=61103 and EXE=56870. Save this program to disk or cassette, before proceeding. If you plan to use only this program in the bank in question, you can conserve memory by creating the one-byte program XMDPW<.CO as follows in Basic: SAVEM"XMDPW<",56870,61103,56870 Then you can kill XMDPW5.CO and use XMDPW<.CO to run it's RAM-resident image. Phil Wheeler 71266,125 16 July 1988