XOS-C.DOC by Paul Globman (C) 1989 [72227,1661] XOS - X-bank Operating System (cross-bank) XOS is a system of three programs that is designed to run in LOMEM of each of the T200's 3 RAM banks. These three programs load/install as one program interact with one another in such a way that you can have the software of all 3 banks available in any bank. XOS uses the first 768 bytes in each bank. XOS runs in the location used by Disk Power 200. With XOS installed, Disk Power cannot be used and any attempt to use it could have disastrous results. Installing XOS is simply a matter of 1) loading XOSLDR.CO and XOSDAT.CO into the same RAM bank, 2) HAVE AT LEAST 1K FREE RAM IN EACH BANK TO INSTALL XOS, 3) run XOSLDR.CO, and 4) run XOSLDR.CO again (the second execution of XOSLDR.CO is sometimes needed in a cold started system... run it twice at all times to insure proper installation). NOTE: XOSLDR.CO and XOSDAT.CO Are available as XOS-C.200, and you will need HXFER.200 to convert the ASCII files into XOSDAT.CO and XOSLDR.CO. XOS was designed to offer cross-bank abilities (as well as other enhancements) to the Tandy 200 at the MENU, with BASIC, TEXT, and TELCOM. ================================== MENU and TEXT enhancements: XOS will enhance the operation of Menu functions, also offering several TEXT utilities like background printing and cross-bank cut/paste. At the Menu, ADRESS and SCHEDL have been made invisible, and the LABEL line will display up to 7 new functions in addition to the original 3. The new LABEL line will look like this: Cmd> Name File Bank Back Roms Copy Kill Pste Prnt Menu [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] F2 - REVERSE BANK SWITCHING - press F2 to go to menu of previous bank. F3 - ROMS - press F3 for ROM selection menu. Modify the use of F3(Roms) with XOSUTL.BA (provided). F3 - CMD> - press F3 with cursor over BASIC to run a BASIC program. If the cursor is NOT over BASIC, then F3 will run a .CO file. If CAPS LOCK is on, then the file to be executed will default to 3:CMD>.BA or 3:CMD>.CO, depending upon where the cursor was. If CAPS LOCK is off, then you will be prompted "Cmd>". Just type in a filename (no extension) and press enter. "3:" is the default bank and needs no prefix. Filename may begin with "1:" or "2:" to indicate file location, if not in bank #3. F6 - PASTE BUFFER TRANSFER - move the paste buffer to another bank for cross-bank CUT and PASTE operation. F6 - RENAME - rename program or file under cursor. Allows illegal characters and filenames, so use caution. F7 - BACKGROUND PRINTING - press F7 with cursor over DO file. This duplicates SAVE TO LPT: from text. Once begun, press F7 to abort. Beep announces start and stop of print task. Printing will be suspended if you switch banks, switch LOMEM code (F8), or edit a file that is in lower RAM than the file that is printing. Backgroung printing will resume when the conditions are restored to normal. F7 - FILES DISPLAY - press F7 to view the remaining two banks, displayed in circular order (1,2,3,1,2), with current bank active for various MENU functions. Shift-F7(File) will restore the normal Menu display. F8 - ADDITIONAL MENU OPTIONS - this will offer the additional options listed for F3, F6, and F7. =================================== BASIC enhancements: In BASIC, F8 has been re-defined to CALL 40961, which will re-install all XOS hooks, should they become dis-engaged. This can also be accomplished from BASIC with the following command... KEY8,"Menu"+chr$(24)+"CALL40961"+chr$(13) XOS will enhance BASIC and M/L capabilities by allowing programmers to write programs that access other RAM banks. The BASIC enhancements will allow a running program to RUN a BASIC program, LOADM a .CO file, or KILL a TEXT.DO file in another bank. The instruction, CALL 41179, will load XBAS-2 into the ALT LCD buffer of the current bank. Once CALLed, XBAS-2 is used by the BASIC programmer to access files in other banks. Data files (.DO files) in other banks can be KILLed, and BASIC and M/L programs can be brought in from other banks and executed in the current bank. Once the BASIC program has executed the "CALL 41179" command, the routines can be accessed with the following call: CALL 63600,CMD,VARPTR(X$) The commands are 7 - KILL FILE.DO 8 - LOADM FILE.CO 9 - RUN FILE.BA XBAS-2 does internal error checking and will beep if there is a problem. XBAS-2 will not execute the wrong instruction and offers the BASIC programmer a result descriptor byte so the BASIC program can trap and handle problems. The result descriptor (RD) byte is at 61302, and can be PEEKED either before or after a CALL to XBAS-2. KILL FILE This command is: F$="2:FILE.DO" :CALL63600,7,VARPTR(F$) The RD byte is 0 if the file is found and killed. The RD byte will retain the CMD if the CALL is not sucessful, and a beep will sound. During program debugging, a non zero RD means the file was not specified as .DO, the CMD was not a seven (7), or the file to be killed, was not found. LOADM FILE.CO This command is: F$="2:FILE.CO":CALL 63600,8,VARPTR(F$) If RD=0 then the .CO file was loaded into place and the execution address is stored at 61303/61304. The load address is stored at 61300/61301. If these two bytes are both 0 then the file was not found. Otherwise 61300/61301 has the load address of the file and HIMEM has to be cleared for this file to LOADM. RUN FILE.BA This command is: F$="2:FILE.BA":CALL 63600,9,VARPTR(F$) Your program will load and run the BASIC program F$, so if the program making the call continues, then F$ wasn't found. The RD would reflect the command 9. For all XBAS-2 commands, the user must check RD and pointer addresses, IMMEDIATELY after the CALL 63600. The original XOS offered XBASIC. To retain the features of XBASIC you must store XBASIC.CO in bank #3. Now the following code is the equivalent of LOADM"XBASIC". 10 CALL 41179 'LOADM XBAS-2 20 X$="3:XBASIC.CO" 'SPECIFY FILE 30 CALL63600,8,VARPTR(X$) 'LOADM XBASIC 40 IFPEEK(61302)<>0THEN99 'TEST LOAD Now XBASIC is loaded and CALL 63600 is available with commands 1 thru 6. A simple CALL 41179 will reload XBAS-2 for commands 7,8, and 9. BASIC programs are brought into the unsaved program buffer, and executed by IPL of the unsaved buffer progradisastIC programs called in by the CMD> key should begin with the IPL"" statement to prevent it from unwanted execution. Attempts to alter the POWER time setting must be followed by POKE 40962. Ex: 10 POWER 100:POKE40962,100 20 POWER CONT:POKE40962,0 ================================= TELCOM enhancements: XOS adds the following to TELCOM's TERM mode... F6 = display files and bytes F6+SHIFT = direct access to TEXT F7 = jump to TELCOM in next bank F7+SHIFT = jmp TELCOM in prev. bank XOS will allow you to jump from bank to bank while on-line with either an external or internal modem. And whichever bank you jump to, the hooks are active to allow you to switch banks again. The TELCOM hook code runs in the last 15 file slots of the directory of each bank. This means that you can have a maximum of 31 files per bank, instead of 46. From the T200 users I have spoken to, this is not a problem. In return for the 15 file sacrifice you get several excellent TELCOM enhancements. NOTE: The first time you enter TELCOM in another bank, you will enter the TERM mode by pressing F4(Term). Should you exit this bank, and re-enter it, you will have to type TERM if F4(Term) doesn't work. Each time you press F3(Cmd>) at the Menu, the TELCOM hooks will be reset in all three banks so the XOS features are active, in the same way F8 from BASIC restores the XOS menu hook. Programs that alter the TELCOM hooks can now be used without concern. ================================= YOUR CUSTOM 200 I have given XOS the ability to be customized. F3 comes with "Roms" and "Cmd>" as its default utilities. The "Roms" function key can be made to offer direct access to your OPTION ROM(s). The "Cmd>" function key can be made to load and run default programs that are named CMD>.BA and CMD>.CO in Bank #3 by maintaining CAPS LOCKed. Unlocking CAPS will allow user input to determine file to run. The following XOSUTL.BA will allow the redefining of F3(Roms) for your individual use. Note... UR-2 may disengage the XOS hook. BASIC F8 will restore the XOS hook as it returns to the Menu. Use this to access the NODE ROM and keep XOS engaged. If you run XOSSAV.CO (with XOSDAT.CO in RAM), the current modified F3(Roms) will be saved to XOSDAT so future loads of XOSDAT will not require any further modification. ===================================== Acknowledgements: James Yi [73327,1653] for part of the LOMEM adjustment code. Randy Hess [73267,552] for beta testing and feedback. ===================================== USE HXFER.CO TO CREATE XOSSAV.CO With XOSDAT.CO on the menu, run XOSSAV.CO to modify XOSDAT so it reflects CURRENT status. 70F8480070F811AEF83E0ACD4F6ECAD232CD8C6E2806F3AFCD91F83E04CD91F83E08CD91F8FBC9329CF80100032100A0C50600D5CDB19B7AD112C123130B79B0 C29AF8C9584F534441542E434F00 ======================================= 0 REM XOSUTL.BA Copyright (c) 1989 5 REM by Paul Globman 10 REM Utility Module 20 M=INSTR("n",CHR$(PEEK(41024))) 30 IF M<>1 THEN BEEP:MENU 40 CLS:PRINT:PRINT"You are about to "; 50 PRINT"modify XOS module #"M:PRINT 60 PRINT"The label above [F3] is... "; 70 FORI=1TO4:P$=P$+CHR$(PEEK(41001+I)) 80 NEXT:PRINTP$:PRINT:PRINT 90 GOTO 1000 100 REM -------------------- MAKE F3=X$ 105 FOR I=1 TO 4 110 POKE 41001+I,ASC(MID$(X$,I,1)):NEXT 115 RETURN 1000 REM ------------------------ XOS-1 1005 RESTORE 1010:X$="Roms":GOSUB100 1006 FORI=0TO76:READA:POKE41563+I,A 1007 NEXT:GOTO1020 1010 DATA 205,150,79,33,56,162,205,204 1011 DATA 17,42,63,245,34,116,162,42,65 1012 DATA 245,34,122,162,205,23,155,33 1013 DATA 11,244,34,63,245,33,79,244,34 1014 DATA 65,245,33,1,160,34,61,245,175 1015 DATA 50,30,253,50,72,248,33,140 1016 DATA 162,229,205,3,139,208,254,5 1017 DATA 208,245,62,240,33,181,242,1 1018 DATA 11,0,22,46,190,194,168,162,54 1019 DATA 0 1020 PRINT" 1 - TS-DOS 1030 PRINT" 2 - ANY OTHER ROM 1040 PRINT" 3 - 8 ROM PACK 1050 PRINT" 4 - 8 ROM PACK / ROMDISK 1060 PRINT 1070 PRINT" 5 - NO ROM 1080 PRINTSTRING$(30,"-"):PRINT 1090 PRINT" Option => "; 1093 O$=INPUT$(1):IFO$=""THEN1095 1095 O=VAL(O$):IFO<1ORO>5THEN1095 1098 ON O GOTO 1100,1200,1300,1400,1500 1100 REM ----------------------- TS-DOS 1105 RESTORE 1190:POKE41528,0 1110 FORI=1TO13:READA:POKE41562+I,A 1120 NEXT:X$="Disk":GOSUB100:MENU 1190 DATA 175,50,30,253,219,216,230 1195 DATA 12,246,2,205,239,238 1200 REM -------------------- OTHER ROM 1210 REM use for UR-2, SuperRom, ROM2 1220 POKE41528,0 1230 FORI=0TO3:POKE41605+I,0:NEXT 1240 PRINT"Enter 4 character " 1250 PRINT" F3 label :"; 1251 LINEINPUTX$ 1260 IF LEN(X$)<>4THEN1250 1270 GOSUB100:MENU 1300 REM ----------------------- ROMPAK 1310 POKE41621,5:GOTO1450 1400 REM ---------------------- POMPAK+ 1410 POKE41621,6 1450 REM --------------------- ROM line 1455 R$="Rom2 UR-2 Super Disk TWrd Romdsk":CLS:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT 1457 IFO=3THENR$=LEFT$(R$,25) 1460 PRINT"Create your own ROMs option" 1461 PRINT" line below...":PRINT 1462 PRINT:PRINT"Press to use sample line... 1465 PRINT@560,R$:LINEINPUTR2$ 1466 IF R2$=""THEN R2$=R$ 1470 R2$=LEFT$(R2$+SPACE$(32),32) 1475 FORI=1TO32 1480 POKE41527+I,ASC(MID$(R2$,I,1)) 1485 NEXT:MENU 1500 REM ----------------------- NO ROM 1505 RESTORE 1530 1510 FORI=1TO3:READA:POKE41562+I,A 1520 NEXT:X$=" ":GOSUB100:MENU 1530 DATA 195,129,160