XTLCM3.200 by Paul Globman (72227,1661) Copyright (c) 1988 ######### FOR USE WITH A TANDY 200 WITH ALL THREE (3) INTERNAL BANKS ########## XTLCM3.CO is created by running the BASIC loader listed below. XTLCM3.CO need only be run once from any bank. It will automatically take you to TELCOM for immediate use. Once run, XTLCM3.CO can be saved and deleted from RAM. It is permanently installed in all three banks until FIXDIR.BA is run, a cold start, or another program resets the TELCOM hooks. XTLCM3.CO adds the following to TELCOM's TERM mode... F6 = display files and bytes F6+SHIFT = direct access to TEXT F7 = jump to TELCOM in next bank F7+SHIFT = jmp TELCOM in prev. bank XTLCM3.CO will allow you to jump from bank to bank while on-line with either an external or internal modem. And whichever bank you jump to, the hooks are active to allow you to switch banks again. XTLCM3.CO uses no user RAM! It need not be in RAM after it has been run once. It does not run in HIMEM so there are no conflicts with other .CO programs. XTLCM3.CO runs in system RAM. The code in each bank resides in the last 15 file slots of the directory. This means that you can have a maximum of 31 files per bank, instead of 46. From the T200 users I have spoken to, this is not a problem. In return for the 15 file sacrifice you get several excellent TELCOM enhancements. NOTE: The first time you enter TELCOM in another bank, you will enter the TERM mode by pressing F4(Term). Should you exit this bank, and re-enter it, you will have to type TERM if F4(Term) doesn't work. 1 '************************ 2 '* XTLCM3.CO * 3 '* by Paul Globman * 4 '* Copyright (c) 1988 * 5 '************************ 10 FOR I = 63600 TO 63830 20 READ X:POKE I,X:SM=SM+X 30 NEXT 40 IF SM = 30659 THEN 60 50 PRINT"error in data":STOP 60 SAVEM"XTLCM3.CO",63600,63830,63764 1000 DATA 255,205,62,79,58,22,253,31 1010 DATA 210,70,244,33,27,244,34,52 1020 DATA 239,196,69,79,205,75,113,33 1030 DATA 196,113,205,23,53,205,240,84 1040 DATA 215,202,64,244,205,115,45,229 1050 DATA 33,0,0,34,210,239,62,1 1060 DATA 33,64,244,195,39,115,205,150 1070 DATA 79,195,139,99,205,42,42,205 1080 DATA 253,154,195,62,79,243,58,22 1090 DATA 253,31,219,216,220,93,244,33 1100 DATA 103,244,229,198,4,230,12,254 1110 DATA 12,202,93,244,201,50,155,244 1120 DATA 33,245,238,6,0,87,205,176 1130 DATA 155,33,60,239,84,93,1,7 1140 DATA 0,205,153,244,42,172,254,58 1150 DATA 155,244,211,216,34,172,254,49 1160 DATA 156,249,205,71,76,205,77,79 1170 DATA 175,50,30,253,195,253,95,197 1180 DATA 6,0,213,86,227,205,176,155 1190 DATA 209,235,193,35,19,11,121,176 1200 DATA 194,153,244,201,243,175,205,42 1210 DATA 249,62,4,205,42,249,62,8 1220 DATA 205,42,249,195,253,95,11,244 1230 DATA 79,244,50,68,249,33,38,249 1240 DATA 17,63,245,1,4,0,205,66 1250 DATA 249,33,112,248,17,10,244,1 1260 DATA 164,0,197,6,0,213,86,227 1270 DATA 205,176,155,209,235,193,35,19 1280 DATA 11,121,176,194,66,249,201 1290 REM END OF DATA 0 REM FIXDIR.BA by Paul Globman 1 REM Copyright (c) 1988 2 REM 3 REM This MUST be run in ALL 3 BANKS 4 REM 5 FOR I=62474 TO 62638:POKE I,0:NEXT 6 POKE I,255 7 POKE 62783,168:POKE 62784,156 8 POKE 62785,168:POKE 62786,156 9 MENU