ill then ask what you would like to name the sketch. Respond with a title of your choice. Include the .DAT extension. The program will then ask you where you'd like to start. The screen is divided into 470 pixels across and 120 pixels up & down. Enter the X,Y co-ordinates of your choice. To start I recommend 200,60 to give you room to play with for right now. Next enter <4> in response to circle size. After entering the <4> you should be in sketch mode. You should notice a small black dot close to the center of the display. The dot is at the initial co-ordinates you specified. Use one of your arrow keys to draw a line or some other figure from that point. This is basically how your sketches will be drawn. But there are some "extras" I've added which may make some of your sketching easier. You can modify or add to them as you please. The first "extra" is the SHIFT Z keys (lower case "z"). Hitting will toggle on/off whether the points you plot are visible or not. This allows you to erase mistakes or "take your pen off the paper", so you can draw a box in one corner, for example, and move to the oppposite corner, draw another box, and have no line connecting the two. Play around with it. Another special function key is the SHIFT Y (lower case "y"). Hitting will draw a circle, whose relative size you specified when you started the sketch. You can also draw circles freehand if you like, but it is rather difficult. Of course, using means all circles in a given sketch will be the same size. Notice where the circle is relative to the last point you drew, and where, after drawing the circle, the point picks up again. I did this purposely for my needs and you can modify this if you don't like it. More on modifications later. Hitting will draw a butterfly shaped symbol. This is useful for some applications like mechanical drawings where it is the symbol for a valve. Hitting toggles your point spacing to about 5x what it was. This makes lettering useful. After toggling from point to letter spacing, hit the letter "T" for example. Now use your right arrow key once to provide space for the next letter. If you don't provide the space you get a write over. You can write words up/down/forwards/backwards. This is useful for labeling sketches. Hitting again returns you to the point spacing. Since "w","y","z","x", and "!" (I'll discuss it in a bit) have special functions they can't be printed on your display. But just about all the other letters (all upper cases, rest of lower cases) and all the numbers and other symbols can be. You now have the tools to prepare your sketch. Here's some tips that I recommend (though I haven't played much myself yet): 1. Sketch your drawing on paper first. 2. Do as much lettering, circling, and other symboling as possible first, before drawing your lines. It is  easier to erase the lines than it is to erase anything  else. 3. Have patience. The program takes a little getting used.  Also, take care not to hit the or keys as the program will terminate. This can be a bummer if it occurs when you're just about through with a sketch.  STORING YOUR SKETCH After you've completed your sketch you can store it by hitting the SHIFT 1 keys (). It takes about 18 minutes for copying to take place even though it appears that the computer is just sitting there. When copying is complete the computer will tell you and it will also give you the time it was completed. Tips on copying: 1. Ensure you have sufficient memory for copying. The number  of black pixels determines the size of your copy. 2K  should be enough for most sketches. 2. Have something to do while the computer is copying or 18 minutes will seem like 180 minutes. 3. Plug the computer into an AC receptacle or ensure your batteries can support an 18 minute copy.  REVIEWING AN OLD SKETCH After your new sketch is stored ART.BAS stops running. To review your sketch you have to rerun it. When it asks you whether you want a new or an old sketch, select for old. Enter the name of your sketch including the .DAT extension. The computer will ask if you want a hardcopy (paper printout). The hardcopy works with my printer (Tandy DMP105) and since it is the only printer I've worked with I don't know if it will work with others. Hitting sends a CR=CR code to the printer so that once your sketch is drawn on the screen you hit the key to copy to paper. When the paper copy is completely printed, hitting resets the CR to normal linefeeds. If your printer doesn't work in this manner than enter for the request for hardcopy or modify the program to suit your printer. Whether you get a hardcopy or not, the sketch you select is drawn on your display. Sit back and watch.  FINAL COMMENTS Modifications- you can modify the program to prepare your own symbols or change printer codes in numerous ways. Lines 18-24 and 46 deal with the printer control. Delete or modify as desired. If you're using a DMP105 you can modify for compressed or condensed print if you so desire. Lines 93-113, and the lines they direct you to, control special functions. Again, delete or modify to suit your needs. You can add new lines here to prepare new symbols if you so desire. Examples- I uploaded NUKART.DAT, USART.DAT & 600ART.DAT to LIB 11 to provide different types of sketches that ART.BAS is useful for. I'm sure there are a host of others. Some uses that come to my mind are floorplans, electrical schematics, letterheads, maps, and sketching just for fun.  NUKART.DAT-- traces the flow through a pressurized-water nuclear power plant. The circle symbols represent pumps, and the butterfly symbols represent valves. S/G stands for steam generator. Water at high pressure (so it doesn't boil) is circulated through the reactor and S/G, cooling the reactor and heating feedwater in the S/G. The feedwater is at low pressure so it boils to steam, driving the turbine-generator, which makes electricity. The steam is condensed back to feedwater and sent again to the S/G. 600ART.DAT-- I guess you could call it a self-portrait !!! USART.DAT -- outline of our country. I made several mistakes in each of these sketches, but considering none of them took me over 20 minutes, that's not bad. I invite you to do better or come up with something new and share it with all of us through LIB 11.