: CODER.BA Encryption program.: Features: All in Basic without: calls. Therefore easily translatedZ: to other machines. Tandy 600 adaptation by Dave Thomas [MORTIMER] 70526,1117: Suitable for Electronic Mail.: Uses only ASCII 32 to 126, AND: ignores CR's & LF'S, including: extras added in transmission. Marks& : File start with "XX X" for correctH : Start point of Decoding. t  N ~:AL$AL$(N)::AL$AL$AL$ : , : " Source File";F1$: " Target Files";F2$  " 1] Code";: " 2] Decode";F: F F E ( " Enter a 4 digit Number";NU:NU$(NU):NU$(NU$,(NU$))a 2N1$(NU$,)(NU$,) 7 (N1$) N1((N1$,))((N1$,)) : N1(N1$) <N2$(NU$,,) A (N2$) N2((N2$,))((N2$,)) : N2(N2$) F F1$ AS 1: F2$ OUTPUT AS 26 H F #,"XX X";H J F Z P () { ZX$$(,): (X$)  dYY: , n F ZZY N1N2 : ZZY N1N2 s Z ZZ_ xX$(AL$,Z,) #,X$; P : ()  A$$(,)1 A$"X" \ B$B$A$: (B$) A$$(,): q B$"XX X" ,:: "INVALID FILE": N ::: ,LN(X$): Z (AL$)LN 6 X$(AL$,Z,LN) @ Z:Z: