AZ#:::::::( )," Journey To The Center"- 2 ),"Of The Earth": ,<:"FCP: (P8Z &: d CP (VB NO) "Horrors!! The troll throws an axe at me! I am dead": n CP M2$:F5: x NO VB NO  NO FDFD : FD ' NO NONO NONOg CP NO "And fall into the lava??? Fat chance!": : x CP NO "Do you know what molten lava is??? It's hot, that's what!": : x! CP OB( ,) (NO NO) "The hydra won't let me through!": : xX P(CP,NO) "I can't go THAT way!": : xn CPP(CP,NO): P VB VB " NO OB(!,)CP "It is sort of heavy, you know.": : x NO "I don't know what a ";(");NO$;(");" is.": : xV OB(NO,)CP "I don't see it here.": : x NO NO "Oh give me a break!!": : x  OB(NO,) "I'm already carrying it.": : x.  OB(NO,)CP NT "I can't carry any more. You'll have to drop something.": : xl  OB(NO,)CP "Check.":NTNT:OB(NO,): : x " VB VB T ,F3 6"I am currently carrying :": I LO: OB(I,) OB$(I):F3 @ I: F3 "Nothing." J : x T VB P] ^ NO VB "That doesn't make any sense to me.": : xo h VB w rJ | I LO: OB(I,) JJOB(I,)  I:"Out of a maximum of 175 points, you have";J  J "Boy, you stink!" : x  VB VB K NO$"Everything" NO$"All" t I LO: OB(I,) OB(I,)CP I:NT"Okay.": : x OB(NO,) "How can I drop what I am not holding???": : xOB(NO,)CP:"O.K.":NTNT: : x- VB VB q H$(CP)"" "You got me into this mess, now you get me out!" H$(CP):H$(CP)"" : x VB X::::  )," ";:"Filename";FILE$: FILE$ OUTPUT AS 1& I LO: OB$(I)"" :)0#,OB(I,),OB(I,)1: I@D#,CP: PN : xbX VB ]::::  )," ";:"Filename";FILE$b: FILE$ AS 1l I LO: OB$(I)"" v#,OB(I,),OB(I,) I#,CP:  P VB  - VB T NO "Say what?": : x"Okay, if it is really necessary...";NO$: : x VB  NO "I don't do stupid things.": : x OB( ,) "I don't have any Coke to drink!": : xJ M3$:OB( ,):OB( ,): : x] VB > OB(,) "But I have no food!!": : x  OB(NO,)CP "I don't see it.": : x> NO "The hydra whoofs down the food.":OB(,):OB$( )"a giant hydra rubbing his stomach": : x  NO "The bugs in these caves only eat human flesh.": : x* NO "You can't be serious.": : x4"It refuses to eat the food.": : x> VB WH NO OB(!,)CP "The undertaker just took him away.":OB(!,): : xR OB(NO,)CP OB(NO,) "I don't see it and I'm not holding ii, so how can I hit it?": : x\ NO "No!!! I kind of like the parrot! Polly want a cracker?"f NO "Okay... The hydra grunts >>DAMN MOSQUITOS<<"p NO "Yuch! I don't want to touch it!!!"z NO NO NO : x."Okay... Ouch! I hurt my hand!": : x VB "I can't kill anything, I'm too weak. But maybe if you were a bit more specific.": : x VB  OB(!,)CP NO "It is already burnt to a crisp.": : xA OB(,) "I don't have a lighter or matches!!": : x NO "Never!! You know something, you're a sadist.": : x NO OB( ,)CP OB( ,):OB(!,)CP:"The hydra crumbles to the ground dead.": : x2 NO "The bug cannot be burnt. ": : xK NO OB( ,)c"It doesn't burn."s : x VB "And just who do you think I am, Rocky???": : x' VB "I don't know how to light things. If you want me to burn something, tell me so!": : x: VB `` NO$"COIN" NO$"QUARTER":NO NO "I don't know what one is.": : x$ NO 8. OB(NO,) "I'm not holding it right now.": : x+8 CP "I don't see any Coke machines here.": : x\B NO "That is ridiculous.": : xL OB(NO,) "I have no money.": : x>V OB(,) CP "All right. Chikclik Chinggg! A Coke popped out. There is now a bottle of Coke here.":OB(,):NTNT:OB( ,): : xD`Wj VB t NO OB(NO,) "It's kind of heavy, you know.": : x~ OB(NO,) "First you have to help me find it, dummy!": : x  CP CP -"Nothing happened": : xG CP CP : QCP [ Pt VB VB: x VB "Try kill ";NO$: : x VB  NO "Nothing happened": : x"Sir what??? I don't understand!": : x' VB 2` CP OB(,) OB(,) "Okay!!!":  CP "I can't.":  : x  VB 2 OB(,) "I can't. I have no tools.": : xW"I can't. I don't see the fribulating gonkulator around me.";: OB(,) " I think I have to drop it first." : g( : xz2 VB < NO "What the devil is a ";NO$;"??": : xF NO NO OB(NO,)CP "Yuch!!! I'd never eat a ";NO$;"!!!": : xuP NO OB(!,)CP "Well... It's cooked now, but it still looks kind of gross.": : xZ OB(NO,) "I'm not holding it.":  : x d NO OB(,) "I'd rather not. I don't care for parrot meat.": : xr n NO OB(,) NTNT:"Humm! It was Filet Mignon, my favorite dish.":OB(,): : x x"I think that ";OB$(NO);" would give me indigestion, and I don't have any Pepto-Bismol.": : x  VB (! CP CP "Nothing happened.": : xa!"Nice try, but that's an old, worn out magic word."q! : x!"I don't know how to do that.": : x! I : I!"Out of a maximum of 175 points, you have scored";:J" I LO: OB(I,) JJOB(I,)"" I5" J;" points."" J "All of adventuredom gives tribute to you, ADVENTURER GRANDMASTER": 6" J "Your score puts you in Master Adventurer Class A.": 6B# J "Your score puts you in Master Adventurer Class B.": 6# J "You have reached a ";(");"Junior Master";(");" status.": 6# Jx "You may now consider yourself a ";(");"Seasoned Adventurer";("): 6L$ Jn "You have achieved the rating: ";(");"Experienced Adventurer";("): 6$" Jd "Your score qualifies you as a Novice Class Adventurer.": 6$,"You are obviously a rank amateur. Better luck next time."A%6: "Do you wish to try this adventure again ";AG$:AG$(AG$,): AG$"Y" : AG$"N" 6G%@%J"GADZOOKS!!! A giant bug just walked in to kill me!!!"%TFF%^ %h NO$"SESEME" VB$"OPEN" "The bug has shrunk to it's proper size and scurried away.": &r NO VB "HELP ME!!! I'm being devoured by a giant bug!!! The end is near! OW!! This hurts!! I'm dying...dying...DEAD!!!": &| OB(,) NO:"I don't have a sword!!!": r' SW "My sword is dull, remember???":NO: r<'"Ding! Dong! The bug is dead, the bug is dead!!!"j'SWSW: SW "My sword is dull now."z' : x'':"Enter your command";CM$:' CM$"ABRA CADABRA" F5 FF NO$"SESAME":VB$"OPEN":FF:F5F5:(VB$"":NO$"":VB:NOV(LC(CM$): I LC: (CM$,I,)" " VB$VB$(CM$,I,): I( I NV: VB$(I)VB$ VBI:  : I(VB:NO$VB$: ( (VB$)(CM$) NO: (NO$(CM$,(CM$)(VB$)) ) I NN: NO$(I)NO$  : I)NO:!)NOI:0)& P$(CP):k)0 I LO: OB(I,)CP "There is ";OB$(I);" here."s): I)D"I can go : ";:F2)N I : P(CP,I) NO$(I);" ";:F2)X I: F2 "Nowhere!"*b CP OB(,) : M1$7*l (#) CP CP% CP : J*v FD :"If you'd like, you can make it easy on yourself by typing N, S, E, or W instead of NORTH, SOUTH, etc.":FD**NP%: P$(NP)*+P$()"I am in a ship. On a computer screen in here it says: Ship will not function -- Fribulating Gonkulator is burned out. It is obvious that this ship has crashed."U, 2,6,5,4:P$()"I'm in a cobblestone hallway. I can hear chirping nearby Sounds like bugs...": 8,1,3,5,P$()"I'm in a dark room...OH NO!!! There are GIANT bugs all around me!!!": 0,0,0,2N-P$()"I'm in a small room. A scribbling here says: HAR HAR HAR! YOU'LL NEVER MAKE IT! >> ARBADAC ARBA <<": 7,0,1,0-P$()"I'm in a dusty cobblestone hallway": 0,25,2,1-P$()"I'm in a dusty place. It is very dark in here I'm scared!": 1,24,0,0Y.P$()"I'm in low crawl space. It seems as if we're not supposed to be here...": 0,4,15,0.P$()"I'm in a room with rock walls. Imbedded in the walls are scattered rubies.": 9,2,0,13c/P$()"I'm in a dark room. This one is not so scary. I think I hear grunts and groans nearby.": 10,8,23,0/P$( )"I'm on the south side of a chasm. Molten lava is beneath me.": 11,9,0,0/P$( )"I'm on the north side of the chasm.": 16,10,0,0:0 P$( )"I'm in a maze of twisty little passages.": 12,12,13,14Y0P$( )P$( ): 13,13,8,12y0 P$()P$( ): 14,15,12,140*P$()P$( ): 14,15,15,7L14P$()"I'm on a wood platform. A sign warns: GO BACK! BEWARE! GO SOUTH!!! THERE IS A RICKEDY BRIDGE TO THE NORTH.": 17,11,0,0D2>P$()"I'm in a dusty passage. A sign points east and says: TO TROLLS PLACE ---> A rickedy bridge extends southward. Markings in the dust indicate that someone was here recently.": 0,16,18,02HP$()"A voice booms out: WHO DARES TO ENTER MY PALACE??? (Sounds like a troll to me!)": 0,0,19,0r3RP$()"I'm in the troll's palace. It's breathtaking!!! The ceiling is so high I can't even see it!": 0,20,0,03\P$()"I'm at one end of a secret passage.": 19,0,0,213fP$()"I'm in a secret passage.": 21,22,20,214pP$()P$(): 21,22,22,23"4zP$()P$(): 23,23,22,94P$()"I'm in a huge ice cavern. The ceiling and walls are completely ice.": 6,26,25,05P$()"I'm in a room with many animals... Wait! They've all ran away": 5,0,0,0t5P$()"I'm in a room with traces of slime on the floor and walls.": 24,29,27,286P$()"I'm in...Al's Diner??? There's a Coke machine here. It says: ENJOY COCA-COLA. 25 CENTS (NO CANADIAN COINS, QUARTER ONLY)": 0,0,0,2696P$()"I'm in a huge pit."H6 0,0,26,06P$()"I'm in the hydra room. The walls are all slime. Boy, I've never seen anything so gross in my life!": 26,30,31,32=7P$()"I'm in the dragon room. It seems to decorated with dragons.": 29,34,0,337P$()"I'm in a torture chamber. Let's get out of here quick!!": 31,31,31,298P$( )"This is the clam room. The walls are solid clamshell embedded with limestone.": 0,0,29,0X8P$(!)"I'm in a mammoth garden. This is all plants.": 0,0,30,08P$(")"I'm in the velvet room. The walls and ceiling are velvet.": 30,34,35,0T9P$(#)"I'm in an Arabian room. Arabian guitars are playing nearby. There is an oil slick here. Looks like machine oil, 10W-30.": 36,37,0,349 P$($)"I'm in the treasure room. Many dwarfs guard some petty scrawny treasure. Nothing to flip over, anyway.": 0,35,0,0(: P$(%)"I'm at Mac's Earthdigger Bodyshop.": 35,0,0,0Z: P(%,): I %: J : P(I,J): J,Iw:$ LO!: OB$(LO),OB(LO,):. OB$()"a set of keys": 6,0:OB$()"a shiny sword": 16,0:8 OB$()"a parrot in a cage": 25,5:OB$()"a gold nugget": 4,10J;B OB$()"a 35,000 carat diamond": 7,10:OB$()"a cigarette lighter": 28,0;L OB$()"a Quarter": 28,0:OB$()"an enormous emerald": 32,15;V OB$()"some silver bars": 33,15:OB$( )"a giant hydra with nine heads": 29,0%<` OB$( )"a ming vase": 30,10:OB$( )"a bottle of Coke": 0,0j OB(,)OB(,):OB(,)OB(,)*> OB(,):OB(,)E> OB(,):OB(,)> KEYS,SWORD,PARROT,NUGGET,DIAMOND,LIGHTER,QUARTER,EMERALD,SILVER,HYDRA,VASE,COKE,BOTTLE,TOOLS,RUBY,GOLD,NECKLACE,WAND,SIGN,BUG,ALEXANDER,GONKULATOR,NORTH,SOUTH,EAST,WEST? N,S,E,W,FOOD,SKELETONS%? NN : NO$(NN)A? I NN: NO$(I): I? GO,GET,LOOK,INVEN,SCORE,DROP,HELP,SAVE,LOAD,QUIT,SAY,DRINK,FEED,HIT,KILL,BURN,FIGHT,LIGHT,INSERT,TAKE,WAVE,RELEASE,CONTINUE,DESTROY,SIR,FIX,EAT,?,INVENTORY,HOCUS@ NV: VB$(NV): I NV: VB$(I): IQ@ M1$"The parrot chants: Sir Alexander...Sir Alexander!"|@ M2$"The troll scurries away in fear."@( M3$"Gulp gluk gulp! (burp) That was refreshing!"@2 H$(NP)@< H$()"This parrot talks..." AF H$()"Cigar? Cigarette? Tipparillo?">AP H$( )"You know this world is enchanted..."AZ H$( )"You can make the passages look less alike by dropping things."Ad H$( )H$( ):H$()H$( ):H$()H$( )An H$()"I think we're supposed to leave what we find here."5Bx H$(#)"Often times oil means an auto bodyshop is nearby."B H$()"The bug will not bother you it is asleep. Hint: If you linger too long in this room it will wake up!"OC H$()"You know, in this enchanted world, many things that are small on earth are very large..."C H$()"Try to find your way to the other end, dummy!!":H$()H$()C