d: LISTPRGM.BAS V1.00 25 Dec 89 Gale S. Ringley [73727,1202]n: DBCALLS.LIB is optional.&x : AO,QZ: L$(X)(L$,X): S$(X)(S$,X)L$"---------------":S$" ": I :L$L$L$:S$S$S$::P$"LPT1:":Z$" :;+-,":S P(): :"DBCALLS.LIB": DBOPEN("ENVIRON.SYS",,A)E Q:M$"SHTMODE""": QSTART(A,P()): QFIELD(A,P(),,,,M$): RFIND(A,,,P(),Q): FRGET(A,Q,,M$): QREND(A,P()) Q:I$"PMARGINS""": QSTART(A,P()): QFIELD(A,P(),,,,I$):I$I$I$I$: RFIND(A,,,P(),Q): FRGET(A,Q,,I$): QREND(A,P()): DBCLOSE(A)0 Q:B$"": I (I$):A$(I$,I,): A$"," P(Q)(B$):B$"":QQ : B$B$A$J I:P(Q)(B$):  M$"F":P()U:P()B:P():P():P() :P() :  :: )" Ŀ ҿ ҿ": )" ķ ": )" ": )" Ľ ": )"Current Settings and Menu": " [1] Left Margin Set: ## [5] Page Length is: ### ";P(),P() " [2] Right Margin Set: ## [6] Page Width is: ### "C$;P(),P()D " [3] Top Margin Set: ## [7] Sheet Mode is: "M$;P() " [4] Bottom Margin Set: ## [8] Line Spacing is: #";P(),S :  )"Press ENTER for current settings, or menu number for changes": ,(; I$$(): I$( ) r : (I$) ,",,,6,@,J,^,h: y  );:"How many spaces for the left margin";P():  " );:"How many spaces for the right margin";P():  , );:"How many lines for the top margin";P(): 16 );:"How many lines for the bottom margin";MB: j@ );:"How long is your page in lines";P(): +J );:"How many characters wide do you want the page";P(): P()Q P$"LPT1:":  : P$"A:PRINTED.TXT":"File will be printed to disk. Copy ";P$;" to PRN when program finishes."T )"Should print be compressed [Y/N]? ";:C$$(): C$"Y" C$"y" N:  : ^ )"Continuous feed or single sheet [F or T]? ";:M$$(): M$"F" M$"f" M$"T" M$"t"  : ,: ^ih )"Single spacing or Double spacing [1 or 2]? ";:S($()): S S ,: h : r );:"Name of the saved ASCII file to print";F$: F$""  : P$"LPT1:" "File will be printed to disk. Copy ";P$;" to PRN when program finishes."| F$ AS 1: P$ OUTPUT AS 2:LP()P()P():WP()P()P():CL:P:MP():D$(,)" ": N #,(); () #,();( ): : #,T$: B (T$): (T$,B,)" "  : O CL  : (M$"T" M$"t") N P )"Press Any Key To Continue ";:I$$(): , :  I M:#,""::PP:#,P())"FILENAME: ";F$; )D$;P()P())"PAGE";P:#,P());L$(W):MP()P():C (T$)W E$T$:T$"": 9 IW  : J (Z$): (Z$,J,)(T$,I,)  : J: I:IW^E$(T$,I):T$S$(B)(T$,I)#,P());E$:CC: S CL #,"":CC T$""  :