TEACHR.DOC =========== TEACHR.BAS is a teaching machine program for the M600, a computer version of flashcards which can be used to learn materials which lend themselves to the question/answer format. Sets of up to 25 questions & answers are saved to RAM as data files FLCARD01.DAT to FLCARD99.DAT. It would be simple to alter the program to allow more questions & answers per set, or to re-name the data files. The menu items are pretty much self-explanatory. After using menu item "1) WRITE A NEW FLASHCARD SET," you will be asked to give a number for this question set; this can be any number from 1 to 99. It is not necessary to provide a leading "0" for single-digit numbers - this is done automatically. Menu item "3) DRILL THE SET NOW LOADED" leads to a few instructions prior to starting your Q&A session. You may enter "*STOP" (without the quotes) at any time to stop your drilling - at which time you may view your score, should you desire to do so. You may view your score so far in the session at any time by entering *SCORE, and you may reset your score without terminating the drill session, by entering *RESET. During the drill session, you may view the answer without giving any response by simply hitting the bar or . Doing this will not alter your score. Also, if any part of a correct response is given, this is scored as a correct response; so, if the answer is rather long, like "SUPERCALAFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS," you can answer SUPER, and be scored as correct. This speeds up reviewing the question set when you know most of the material, and have only a few items you keep missing, but want to be keep track of your overall score on the set. Exit the program with menu item 6. Suggestions for improving the program, or comments as to how it is being used will be happily accepted! - Dick Spindler [76537,1623]