Library 11 TELCOM.CAT LOGON.TIP [76703,4062] 05-Dec-87 754 Discusses a problem some users are having with the automatic script signons, the probable cause and solution. MESSGE.600 [76703,446] 08-Jan-86 9120(3904) A program for preparation of messages (or other text files) to eave or for plying to other messages. Rejects invalid User ID (of some types) and has other goodies. May be used for preparation of text files; see TEL004.600 for an example. Download with Tandy 600's XMODEM protocol using TYPE:BIN here in LIB. RECEIVE as a file with .BAS extension and program will be ready to run. TEL004.600 [76703,446] 02-Jan-86(02-Jan-86) 9675 Contains instructions specific to the Tandy 600 for file transfers to/from CompuServe's Libraries.