M600AD.THD --- Copyright 1987 by Phil Wheeler An original compilation of Compuserve Model 100 Forum messages for use by Forum members only. A one-message thread file on how to transfer a database file from WRD to FIL. A longer description would rival the file in length. This is a new record for short THD files! Message range: 152125 to 152125 Dates: 7/8/87 to 7/8/87 Sb: 600 WORD to FILE Fm: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 To: 600 Users Who was it that left a message last week about transferring a phone list from WORD into FILE for use as a database? I think I have an answer for you... I believe I have found the way for your to transfer your database file from WRD to FIL. Thanks to Carl Oppedahl, and an article from the January '86 issue of Portable 100/200/600 magazine. In that article, Carl faced a similar problem, and this is how he solved it: Once the database file was complete as a WORD file, the next step is to use the Copy or Delete command to get the information into the Scratch File. Then exit WORD and go into FILE. Set up your fields, and position the cursor to the bottom line (marked NEW). Then move the cursor until the entire row is shown in reverse video, and push "I" to activate the "Insert" mode. This will insert what's in the Scratch File into your database file. In the case Carl describes, the transferred a 1000-record file into FILE in ten minutes. Let me know if this one works for you, and we can put together some sort of instruction file on it.