LIB 12 - NEC/Olivetti/Kyo-85 [72456,3604] ADV.NEC Text, Bytes: 7210, Count: 159, 09-May-84 Title : Keywords: NEC GAME ADVENTURE This is ADV.100 from XA3, modified to run on the NEC PC-8201. CAUTION: This is only the game itself; you also need the game text, available in XA3 as ADV0,1, 2,3 and 4. SECOND CAUTION: All this requires over 30K of memory (but it's worth it!) Strongly advise reading ADV.DOC in XA3 FIRST, then downloading the text files, then back here for this program. Runs in 5443 bytes, including 4 REM lines. Checksum 439,286. Robinson Markel (72456,3604) [72456,3604] AMORTZ.BA Text, Bytes: 2680, Count: 98, 19-Aug-85 Title : Keywords: MORTGAGE LOAN AMORT INTEREST AMORTIZATION PRINCIPLE BASIC NEC 100 Adapted from "Loan amortization version 2.0" by Jim Gerritz & Phil Estrem in DL2, this improved version of AMORTZ prompts for number of days from closing to end-of-period, and if input prints a first "interest-only" payment, then your schedule. Double precision is now used for interest, principal and balance, for accuracy with large numbers. M100 users: delete the DEFDBLA,B,M,P in line 1. Robinson Markel Checksum: 181,273 [72456,3604] BARCOD.NEC Text, Bytes: 1650, Count: 113, 19-Apr-84 Title : Keywords: BAR BARCODE READER NEC 3-of-9 barcode reader for NEC PC-8201. Stores the decoded barcode in a .DO file whose name you choose. Requires loading of "COD.DO" from the cassette tape NEC supplies with the computer. Adapted from BAREAD in PCM Magazine for April 1984. Adapted by Robinson Markel (72456,3604). Checksum 100,956. [70346,16] BOXES.M10 Text, Bytes: 270, Count: 317, 05-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: OLIVETTI M10 NEC MODEL 100 FUN GRAPHICS CHANGING BOXES ASCII This is a neat little program that works on the Olivetti M10, NEC, and RS Mod 100. It's nothing great, but kind of cute. The program produces a changing screen with BOXES. Try it out today! Takes only 10 seconds to download (really!). Put on some nice music, then RUN this program. I find it fascinating to just watch the boxes form and then un-form. Try it! I think you'll like it! - ERIC - Checksum: 14,716 [74666,615] BRKKEY.M10 Text, Bytes: 3130, Count: 112, 13-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: OLIVETTI M10 BREAK POKE CALL POKES BREAKKEY HINTS This file originally appeared in PICO Magazine and appears here with their permission. This file gives some information about disabling the BREAK key and a few other useful tidbits about the M10. Goodluck. [76010,1273] tom Gilchrist CAL.DO Text, Bytes: 1358, Count: 51, 24-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: CALENDAR PROGRAM BASIC KYOTRONIC 85 A calendar program converted for Kyotronics 85. (Date string changed) Checksum = 76959 [70526,1117] CAROLS.NEC Text, Bytes: 6188, Count: 23, 27-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 8201A CHRISTMAS SOUND CAROLS MUSIC SONGS GRAPHICS LINE With special thanks to Sysop Eiji Miura, here are seven fine Christmas carols for the NEC 8201A folks! Note that LINE function must be activated. Lotza fun .... .^Dave^. [71500,3505] CASDIR.KYO Text, Bytes: 1615, Count: 45, 04-May-87 Title : Keywords: KC85 KYOTRONICS 85 CASSETTE DIRECTORY INDEX FILES BASIC KYO Kyotronic-85 version of CASDIR - handy for finding out what's on old, or unlabeled tapes. NOT for Tandy machines. Checksum = 122,447 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura CAT-12.ARC Bin, Bytes: 14573, Count: 89, 03-Feb-91 Title : Archived Library Catalog Keywords: CATALOG LIBRARY ARC ARCHIVE This ARChive file for PC/MS-DOS contains all catalog (.CAT) files in THIS Library. Binary file; download with protocol and use ARC utiltiy to extract files. [70305,701] CHARED.CRE Text, Bytes: 555, Count: 207, 02-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: CHARACTER EDITOR NEC This file contains a short basic program to create the Machine Language subroutine "CO" file for use with CHARED. Simply LOAD it in BASIC and RUN it once. It will create a machine language file which can be kept in ram or SAVEd to tape in binary form. [70305,701] CHARED.NEC Text, Bytes: 1760, Count: 168, 02-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: CHARACTER EDITOR NEC This is a shorter, but much mor powerful version of CHRGEN supplied by NEC. It allows you to edit existing fonts well as creating new ones. CAUTION: the "CO" file created by CHARED.CRE MUST be present in RAM when this program is run. The character sets produced and the ML routines are designed to be compatible with the LINE program also in this database. [73715,1501] CHECKS.BA Text, Bytes: 2090, Count: 111, 25-May-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC NEC 8201A CHECKBOOK BALANCE CHECK ACCOUNT FINANCE CHECKS It's a quick and dirty checkbook program that keeps your balance and account totals. Suggestions, comments, mods to Eric Anderson, 73715,1501. Checksum = 128,087 [75166,2263] CHRPOK.NEC Text, Bytes: 165, Count: 79, 17-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: PROGRAM DISPLAYING EPSON GRAPHICS CHARACTERS. Use this along with EPSON1.NEC (download as "EPSON1.DO" or it won't work) and your NEC will display the Epson Graphics characters, plus a few extra on shift/graphz,x,c,v,b,n. Experiment: I suggest printing them out, and taping the printed character on the key in front. They are safely pried off with a screwdriver, and popped back in again. [75716,637] CLNUP.NEC Text, Bytes: 200, Count: 212, 03-May-85 Title : Keywords: MEMORY CLEANER Use this little pgm to restore F-Keys and clean up .CO exeriments. Have Fun CHECKSUM 11,805 Bill Becker 75716,637 [74756,235] COLSTA.DOC Text, Bytes: 6500, Count: 134, 07-Mar-86 Title : Keywords: NEC COLD START RECOVER RECOVERY FILE This file describes a procedure and short program for recovering files after a cold start. Bill Grenke [70506,1261] COMPAR.3 Text, Bytes: 8050, Count: 333, 03-Mar-86 Title : Keywords: NEC TANDY OLIVETTI M100 100 8201 8201A M10 This file is a captured thread of comparisons between the Tandy Model 100, the NEC PC-8201A, and the Olivetti M-10, all made by Kyocera in Japan. It contains good information, unavailable elsewhere. [75716,637] COTOBA.NEC Text, Bytes: 2125, Count: 123, 30-Apr-85 Title : Keywords: CODE BASIC This pgm converts machine code to basic instructions in pgm,writen by NEC checksum 126,811 have fun. Bill Becker 75716,637 [74405,1710] CUSTSV.M10 Text, Bytes: 283, Count: 103, 28-Mar-87 Title : Keywords: M10 M-10 OLY OLIVETTI CUSTOMER SERVICE ADDRESS PHONE Customer Service; Address and phone number for Olivetti M-10. [75166,2263] DATA2.NEC Text, Bytes: 6190, Count: 54, 20-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: DATA2 USED STRNG2.NEC PRINT ITH EPSON RX 80 DOT MATRIX (Keywords say it all!) NEC. [75716,637] DIASMB.NEC Text, Bytes: 6445, Count: 143, 29-Apr-85 Title : Keywords: DISASSEMBLER NEC 8201A 8085 Disassembler for NEC PC-8201A by NEC. Checksum: 341,004 [74116,3562] DISASM.M10 Text, Bytes: 8870, Count: 96, 22-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: Z80 M10 MACHINE LANGUAGE DISASSEMBLER DISASM MNEMONICS This is the M10 version of the Z80 opcode disassembler in DL 4. It works well on the M10, but takes up a lot of memory. You might want to remove some of the blank space. Enjoy!! Send any comments or usefull code to me thru the SIG or EasyPlex. Checksum: 436,322 [72456,3604] DISASM.NEC Text, Bytes: 7970, Count: 204, 10-Jul-84 Title : Keywords: NEC DISASSEMBLER ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE MACHINE CODE Disassembler for the NEC PC-8201. Adapted from DISASM.100 as modified by DISFIX.100. Uses 8085 mnemonics. Selectable output to LCD(default), LPT or RAM file. ***WARNING*** The REMark in line 3320 means EXACTLY what it says. Touch NOTHING in this line - not even the spaces. Alteration may well result in a cold start! Checksum 404,356 Robinson Markel (72456,3604) [72456,3604] DOWNCK.NEC Text, Bytes: 870, Count: 248, 13-Apr-84 Title : Keywords: CHECKSUM UTILITY NEC Woods Martin's DOWNCK.100, translated to n82. Should be used by all NECky UPLoaders. Checksum of this program: 55,531. Robinson Markel (72456,3604) [70117,2336] Philip Frank DSKLOG.NEC Text, Bytes: 4800, Count: 55, 28-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: NEC BROTHER TANDY PDD DISK LOG DIRECTORY BASIC TS-DOS DSKLOG.NEC is the LOGPDD.BA program, converted for the NEC. For each disk, it prompts the user for a disk name, displays each file in turn, and then prompts for a description for that file. The result is a disk text file containing the disk catalogs for all the disks entered. The original documentation is LOGPDD.DOC in DL9. Original program by Ronnie Riche. Modified to run on the NEC by Philip Frank. Checksum 299,385. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DSKMGR.KYO Text, Bytes: 6723, Count: 75, 26-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: DSKMGR TDD TDD1 TDD2 OS KYO KC85 BASIC LOADER CO DSKMGR.KYO is a Basic program which you can use to install a KC-85 version of DSKMGR.100 in a Kyo-85. With it you can load and save files on a Tandy Disk Drive (TDD1 or TDD2, 'tho you are limited to 40 files with either). For information on use of DSKMGR.CO, get DSKMGR.DOC in DL 9. For more on this loader, get DSKMGR.DOR (DL9); note that 0MENU support is not in this version (no 0MENU for the KC-85). Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [75166,2263] EPSON1.NEC Text, Bytes: 2000, Count: 99, 08-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: DATA FILE INPUT CHRPOK NEC 8201 EPSON RX 80 CHARACTER Along with CHRPOK, this data when put into the NEC RAM, will display the standard EPSON graphics character set, plus a few others, on the z, x, and c plus shift plus grph key. JUST RUN THE CHRPOKE AFTER LOADING THIS AS A .DO FILE and your machine will display the standard Epson graphics characters. [74766,3553] FAMREG.DOC Text, Bytes: 2850, Count: 68, 26-May-85 Title : Keywords: REGRESSION LINEAR NONLINEAR LOGARITHMIC EXPONENTIAL POWER FITS GRAPHICS PLOTS F Documentation for the FAMREG program, which will do linear, expomential, logarithmic, and power fits to data in a .DO file. Good luck and walka fin, Rand [74766,3553] FAMREG.NEC Text, Bytes: 6250, Count: 63, 18-May-85 Title : Keywords: REGRESSION LINEAR NONLINEAR LOGARITHMIC EXPONENTIAL POWER FITS GRAPHICS PLOTS F This program uses standard linear regression techniques and linearizing tranformations to fit data from a .DO file with linear, logarithmic, exponential and/or power models. The coefficients (or factors) of these models are returned. Next the data is plotted on the LCD, followed by whicheer fits the user selected. MUST HAVE LINE.CO. Checksum=371,870. See FAMREG.DOC for more complete documentation. Randy [74766,3553] [76703,4311] Eiji Miura FINANC.CAT Text, Bytes: 1523, Count: 34, 03-Feb-91 Title : Library Catalog - Finance Keywords: CATALOG FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING SPREADSHEET This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which deal with financial, accounting, or spreadsheet applications. [72250,1042] FIREWK.NEC Text, Bytes: 743, Count: 78, 03-Mar-90 Title : Fireworks display on the NEC LCD Keywords: GRAPHICS NEC BASIC GAME FIREWORKS Pleasing (?) emulation of fireworks on the NEC PC-8201A. Incorporates random elements to the display. Checksum: 42,971 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler FLIPML.KYO Text, Bytes: 1485, Count: 50, 29-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: FLIPML FLIP CO FILE MANAGER BA KYO KC-85 FLIPML.KYO is the KC-85 version of the machine language program management utility FLIPML.100. It is set up for PRNKYO.CO & DSKMGR.CO (Kyo version), when both are set up to load just under MAXRAM. Be sure to read the file FLIPML.DOC in DL7. It explains how this works and is an excellent discussion of the use of CO programs in these Kyocera computers. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler FLTIBM.NEC Text, Bytes: 740, Count: 130, 04-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: FAST FILE TRANSFER IBM NEC FLTIBM This is a short file describing how to use FLTIBM with the NEC 8201. Also, see "FLTIBM.DES" and "FLTIBM.DOC" in the DL3 data library for more information on the FLTIBM series of programs. [70210,221] FORMAT.BA Text, Bytes: 6732, Count: 63, 04-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: FORMAT EPSON FX 80 NEC PC 8201A GRAPHICS TEXT A text formatter for the NEC PC-8201A. It uses char. graphics created by GRPHCS.BA (this DL) embedded in a TEXT file to output commands (FX-80 type). Features: bold, italics, underlining, exp., NLQ, super & subs.; center, paragraph, indent, page breaks, top/left/bottom/right/hdr/footer marg., line sp., page #, tabs, justified header, right just., pitch widths, foreign char. sets, etc. Files can be read to and from any device. File 2 of 3. Cksm: 434307 [70075,533] FORMAT.DOC Text, Bytes: 1580, Count: 274, 15-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: TEXT FORMATTER NEC EPSON Documentation for Format.NEC [70210,221] FORMAT.DOC Text, Bytes: 11569, Count: 56, 04-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: FORMAT EPSON FX 80 NEC PC 8201A PRINTER GRAPHICS TEXT Instructions for FORMAT.BA & GRPHCS.BA (also in this DL). File 1 of 3, download and read this file first. Already formatted for printers. [70075,533] FORMAT.NEC Text, Bytes: 1420, Count: 219, 15-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: TEXT FORMATTER NEC EPSON A text formatter for the NEC, easily changed for M100. Epson codes. Read Format.DOC. [72456,3325] Steve Sagman FORMAT.NEC Text, Bytes: 2265, Count: 276, 14-Sep-84 Title : Keywords: NEC 8201A TEXT FORMAT FORMATTER WORD PROCESSING A revision of David Ahl's text formatter for the NEC 8201A by Steve Sagman (72456,3325). Faster to use - a few fewer keystrokes. Checksum = 135,857 [76616,3015] Larry Sloan FSTLCD.TIP Text, Bytes: 474, Count: 76, 21-May-90 Title : FASTLCD.THD disables LCD scroll in TELCOM mode Keywords: MODEM 1200 2400 BAUD LCD SCROLL NEC 8201 Allows LCD scrolling on the 8201 to be disabled during TELCOM. This allows full use of 1200/2400 baud modems because screen scrolling limits down- loading to 650 baud. See SLOLCD.THD in LIB 3. Checksum = 30660 [75216,2530] FTNOTE.DOC Text, Bytes: 5535, Count: 63, 26-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC NEC PRINT FORMAT FOOTNOTE NEC-8201 MLA WORD PROCESSOR Instructions for FTNOTE.NEC, a text formatter for academic writing. [75216,2530] FTNOTE.NEC Text, Bytes: 3630, Count: 58, 26-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC NEC PRINT FORMAT FOOTNOTE NEC-8201 MLA WORD PROCESSOR This 8201 text formatter for academic writing does footnotes, negative indents, and other functions. Instructions in FTNOTE.DOC. Checksum 200,378 [75706,1242] FYLCNT.NEC Text, Bytes: 885, Count: 75, 19-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: FILE SIZE BYTE CHARACTER COUNT CHECKSUM NEC A NEC VARIATION OF RONALD W. JOHNSONZ'S FYLCNT.RWJ ACC. 66 STATES LISTED ARE; BYTES= CHARS= SPACES= CARRIAGRETURNS= LINEFEEDS= TABS= CTRLchars= CHECKS UM.(CTRLchars DISPLAYED ONLY IF FILE CONTAINS CONTROL-CHARACTERSS OTHER THAN CARRIAGE-RETURNS/LINE-FEEDS/TABS) CONVERTION BY BILL BECKER{75706,1242} 2/19/85. CHECKSUM 54275 883BYTES [76703,4311] Eiji Miura GAMES.CAT Text, Bytes: 2022, Count: 45, 03-Feb-91 Title : Library Catalog - Games Keywords: CATALOG GAME PUZZLE MAZE This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which are game, puzzle or maze oriented. [73557,3614] GRAFIX.ASC Text, Bytes: 925, Count: 39, 18-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC NEC PC-8201 LOADER ASC MACHINE CODE PRINTER GRAPHICS CHARACTERS An ASCII coded version of a machine language program that prints defined graphics characters on a printer. See GRAFIX.DOC[73557,3614] Checksum: 48,390 [73557,3614] GRAFIX.DOC Text, Bytes: 2370, Count: 40, 18-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC NEC PC-8201 LOADER ASC MACHINE CODE PRINTER GRAPHICS CHARACTERS Documentation for GRAFIX.LDR and GRAFIX.ASC for the NEC 8201 [73557,3614] GRAFIX.LDR Text, Bytes: 295, Count: 33, 18-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC NEC PC-8201 LOADER ASC MACHINE CODE PRINTER GRAPHICS CHARACTERS A BASIC loader for the GRAFIX.ASC file See GRAFIX.DOC[73557,3614] Checksum: 17,750 [72456,3604] GRNDF2.NEC Text, Bytes: 4130, Count: 144, 12-Sep-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC NEC CLOCK GRANDFATHER GRAPHICS At last! GRANDF the way it SHOULD run. You will need LINE.NEC in order to make it run properly. 4346 bytes in text, 3371 in BASIC. Checksum 242,351. Robinson Markel 72456,3604 [70210,221] GRPHCS.BA Text, Bytes: 1109, Count: 57, 04-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: FORMAT EPSON FX80 NEC PC 8201A PRINT TEXT ML LOADER GRPHCS.BA sets up the character graphics to be used by FORMAT.BA (also in this DL), a text formatter for the NEC PC-8201A. File 3 of 3, download and read FORMAT.DOC first. CKSM: 55902 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura GRPHIC.CAT Text, Bytes: 3191, Count: 35, 03-Feb-91 Title : Library Catalog - Graphics Keywords: CATALOG GRAPHICS DISPLAY PRINTER This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which deal with the display or printing of graphic characters or designs on screen or printers. [73127,1313] HKCGC.INF Text, Bytes: 619, Count: 89, 21-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: KYO KYOTRONIC KYO85 INFO INFORMATION kyo85, Hongkong Info from HKCGC [75716,637] IPL.NEC Text, Bytes: 1710, Count: 209, 02-May-85 Title : Keywords: INITIAL PROGRAM LOAD Create a REAL IPL file,while learning about your Necy from the info in REM CHECKSUM 119,628 Have fun Bill Becker 75716,637 [72637,1710] K85ROM.01 Text, Bytes: 5750, Count: 101, 06-May-87 Title : Keywords: KYOTRONIC 85 KY85 ROM DISASSEMBLY A comparison of the Kyotronic 85 ROM to M100 ROM. This file contains the addresses of BASIC functions. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler KYO.THD Text, Bytes: 5240, Count: 92, 15-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: KY85 KYO85 KYOTRONIC LAPTOP ROM CONVERSION COMPATIBILITY MESSAGES THREAD In recent months a new member (?) of the Model 100 family has appeared, the Kyotronic 85 (or Kyo 85) made by Kyosei in Japan. It looks a lot like a Model 100 (even more so than does the Olly M10 or the NEC 8201). But it is very incompatible. An earlier file (KYO85.INF, DL 13) captured messages re this computer and compatibility issues. This file continues the story, and focusses on the possibility of changing the ROM to a M100 ROM. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler KYO-2.THD Text, Bytes: 9796, Count: 79, 17-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: KYO85 KYOTRONIC TECHNICAL LINEFEED MESSAGES THREAD The Kyotronic 85 continues to be a hot topic on the Forum -- even though there were only 1000 of them imported, according to one report. This activity has been recognized by establishing a new Subtopic and Data Library section (S 17/DL 17) for the Kyotronic 85. The messages in this file deal with a variety of issues, from technical issues and adding linefeeds to printer output to the pros-and-cons of the Kyo85 vs. the M100/102/200. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler KYO-3.THD Text, Bytes: 7984, Count: 53, 21-Oct-87 Title : Keywords: KC-85 KYO PRINTER CABLE MEMORY CHIPS RAM MESSAGES THREAD A Kyotronic-85 (KC-85) owner recently asked about memory expansion for his computer. That led to the discussion recorded here. This is the third in a series of KYO.THD files. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler KYROM1.EQU Text, Bytes: 2990, Count: 74, 27-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: KYO KC-85 ROM MAP RAM EQUATES This file contains some useful (and some very obscure!) ROM and system RAM equates for the KC-85. I plan to take a more studied look at this in the near future. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [72456,3604] LEGIBL.BA Text, Bytes: 910, Count: 80, 31-Jul-85 Title : Keywords: FORMAT PROGRAM LISTING This program is an adaptation of FORMLIST by Walter I. Castles, published in CREATIVE COMPUTING for August 1985, page 90. It prepares neat program DO file printouts, with line breaks after every colon except those included between double quotes. Should run on Model 100 also. 579 bytes with REM line zero deleted. Checksum 60,153. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler LFEED.KYO Text, Bytes: 542, Count: 72, 15-Apr-87 Title : 084>> Keywords: LINEFEED PATCH LF PRINT KYO85 KYOTRONIC LFUTL FIXLF Version of Hugo Ferreya's function key stored linefeed patch for the Kyotronic 85 computer. It is based on address translations published in the April 1987 PICO. Its purpose is to add linefeeds to carriage returns when printing, to allow use of printers which do not (conveniently) provide the added linefeeds. Back up all files before using until proven; I do not have a Kyo85 to try this on! checksum = 34,084 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler LFKYO.THD Text, Bytes: 2420, Count: 36, 14-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: LF TELCOM KYO LINEFEED POKE RAM MESSAGES THREAD Continuing in our tradition of providing the world's foremost support to the KC-85 computer, here is yet another informational file on this distant relative of the Model 100. This file discusses the poke to add a linefeed on Telcom transmissions. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler LFUTL.M10 Text, Bytes: 1305, Count: 127, 01-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: LF UTILITY M10 OLLY LINEFEEDS PRINT TELCOM LFUTL.M10 is a printer and telcom linefeed utility for the Olliveti M10 computer. With it you can add the telcom linefeeds needed for some systems, and can add printer linefeeds without changing DIP switch settings (useful if you use the same printer with other computers). This new version has been tested. <> Phil Wheeler 71266,125 [70526,471] LIBDOC.M10 Text, Bytes: 3935, Count: 178, 03-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: CO SUBROUTINE M10 This is the documentation for SUBLDR.M10, which creates the file SUBL10.CO, a collection of machine language routines. This is the same as the SUBLIB.CO program modified for the Olivetti M10. [72456,3604] LINE.DOC Text, Bytes: 2030, Count: 483, 11-Sep-84 Title : Keywords: NEC LINE GRAPHICS DOCUMENT Shows how to use LINE.NEC, and how to create and use a 202-byte machine language version. See also LINE.LDR if you use the .CO version. Checksum 159,384. Robinson Markel 72456,3604 [72456,3604] LINE.LDR Text, Bytes: 120, Count: 415, 11-Sep-84 Title : Keywords: NEC LINE GRAPHICS UTILITY LOADER 81-byte, one line loader utility for the machine language version of LINE.NEC. LINE.CO must be in memory, but even with this loader less than 300 bytes are required. Robinson Markel 72456,3604 [72456,3604] LINE.NEC Text, Bytes: 2065, Count: 508, 07-Sep-84 Title : Keywords: NEC LINE GRAPHICS This short program (1006 bytes without REM) adds the LINE command to the n82 BASIC syntax. It functions just as does the LINE command on the Model 100. Be sure to read LINE.DOC for: (1) use instructions, and (2) info on how to create a machine code version only 202 bytes long! Checksum 126,369. Robinson Markel 72456,3604 [72456,3604] LNBXFB. Text, Bytes: 1835, Count: 181, 10-Mar-84 Title : Keywords: LINE UTILITY NEC GRAPHICS Short subroutines to duplicate the LINE functions of the Model 100 . Robinson Markel (72456,3604) [75025,66] LOTTO.NEC Text, Bytes: 1540, Count: 150, 11-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: LOTTO PICK LOTTERY RANDOM NUMBERS CHANCE LUCK GAME This program will pick random numbers for the most popular lottery games around the country. ix picks 6 non-repeating numbers from 1 to 39. otto picks 6 non-repeating numbers from 1 to 44. hree picks 3 repeatable digits from 0 to 9. our picks 4 repeatable digits from 0 to 9. GOOD LUCK!! Walter O'Brien (75025,66) [71256,1042] M100NE.PMS Text, Bytes: 3675, Count: 280, 25-Mar-84 Title : Keywords: 100 NEC 8201 COMPARISON Comparison by End User of various aspects of M100 and NECy [72007,1743] ADRIAN RYAN M10DOS.DO Text, Bytes: 5946, Count: 46, 03-Jul-89 Title : DSKMGR for the Olivetti M10 Keywords: OLIVETTI M-10 DOS DSKMGR OS DISK PDD-1 PDD M10DOS.DO is a BASIC program to re-construct the M10DOS.CO Disk O/S for an OLIVETTI M-10M. This program is a "reverse engineered" version of J.K. HEILMAN DSKMGR Version 3.02. Program checks to see if it is running in an M-10, as well] as checking for the correct checksum. File Checksum: 344825 [70526,471] M10ROM.DIF Text, Bytes: 6395, Count: 304, 17-May-84 Title : Keywords: OLIVETTI M10 ROM SYSTEM CALLS ADDRESSES This file is a table listing the corresponding ROM call addresses for the Olivetti M10 portable computer and the Model 100. The table is formatted for an 80 column printer. Addresses are in both hex and decimal. [72007,1743] ADRIAN RYAN M10ROM.DO Text, Bytes: 29744, Count: 66, 03-Jul-89 Title : Olivetti M10 ROM info Keywords: OLIVETTI M-10 ROM RAM FUNCTIONS MAP This file contains a description of many of the ROM routines of the OLIVETTI M-10. Entry points, description of use, and register usage are described. The equivalent Model 100 addressess are also indicated. Reserved RAM locations and use are described. [75106,3463] MAKEF.DOC Text, Bytes: 2480, Count: 82, 12-Apr-86 Title : Keywords: NEC 8201 ML MACHINE CODE MENU INVISIBLE FILES BASIC This file is the documentation for makeF.NEC. makeF.NEC is a machine language program that sets up a menu that can find the sizes of files and make them invisible (or visible.) Be sure to download this documentation with MAKEF.NEC Barry Rowe [75106,3463] MAKEF.NEC Text, Bytes: 2765, Count: 67, 11-Apr-86 Title : Keywords: NEC 8201 ML MACHINE CODE MENU INVISIBLE FILES BASIC makeF.NEC is a BASIC program that makes a machine language menu program. The file you select is highlighted and can be made invisible to the Main menu. Also, the size of the selected file is shown. Read MAKEF.DOC for more information concerning this file. Checksum: 149,853 [74666,615] MAP.M10 Text, Bytes: 9075, Count: 175, 13-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: M10 OLIVETTI MAP RAM RAMMAP MEMORY This is a memory map of the reserved RAM in the Olivetti M10. It will provide you with quite a gateway on some of the neat things you can do with the M10. It is based in part on the Model 100 RAM map, but there ARE some VERY IMPORTANT differences. If you identify anything not already in the map, tell me so {I can put it into this map ASAP. Enjoy. [72456,3604] MAZDOC.NEC Text, Bytes: 890, Count: 114, 12-Sep-84 Title : Keywords: NEC MAZE INSTRUCTIONS Additional instructions for playing MAZE3d.NEC. You'll also need to see MAZDOC in XA3. Robinson Markel 72456,3604 [72456,3604] MAZE3D.NEC Text, Bytes: 6410, Count: 134, 12-Sep-84 Title : Keywords: NEC GAME MAZE MAZE3D MAZE3D for the PC-8201. It has been modified a bit from the M100 version, so you should read MAZDOC in XA3 and MAZDOC.NEC here. You will need LINE. NEC to make it run. 6409 bytes of text, 4946 in BASIC. Checksum 373,089. Robinson Markel 72456,3604 [75715,1370] MEMAP.DO Text, Bytes: 1980, Count: 371, 21-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: MEMORY MAP UTILTY NEC8201 Find out what's where in NEC memory. Output similar to CP/M's DDT utility. Program outputs to screen and RAM and displays in hex and ASCII. [76703,4311] Eiji Miura MISC.CAT Text, Bytes: 301, Count: 94, 03-Feb-91 Title : Library Catalog - Miscellaneous Keywords: CATALOG MISCELLANEOUS This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which cannot be classified with other catalog groups. [75716,637] MON823.DOC Text, Bytes: 900, Count: 172, 01-May-85 Title : Keywords: ASSEMBLER MONITOR DEBUGGER Here is a quick referance summary for MON823.NEC,have fun. Bill Becker 75716,637 [75716,637] MON823.NEC Text, Bytes: 15325, Count: 121, 01-May-85 Title : Keywords: MONITOR DEBUGGER ASSEMBLER Load as MON832.CO after you've cleared himem -12288(clear256,-12288),enter though menu or basic(EXEC -12288),manual is 11pages send self addressed stamped 8"x10" manila envelope after we have contacted each other on Eplx. checksum 804,313 have fun Bill Becker 75716,637 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler NEC.THD Text, Bytes: 4638, Count: 151, 13-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: NEC 8201 8300 DATA MESSAGES THREAD The NEC 8201A is a computer having characteristics similar to the Model 100. It is supported in this Forum in DL 12. Of late, there has been little NEC action here. These messages note that fact -- and contain info regarding the NEC upgrade, the NEC 8300. This is the first THD file on the NEC -- indicating the relative lack of activity (t'was not always so, as evidenced by the number of NEC-peculiar programs in DL 12. [75716,637] NECPGM.DOC Text, Bytes: 480, Count: 426, 02-May-85 Title : Keywords: NEC SOFTWARE [70526,471] OLIM10.DIF Text, Bytes: 4080, Count: 298, 17-May-84 Title : Keywords: OLIVETTI M10 COMPUTER COMPARISON This file is a description of the Olivetti M10 portable computer. The differences between the M10 and the Model 100 are listed. Techniques for converting Model 100 programs to run on the M10 are discussed. [71415,1651] OLYM10.INF Text, Bytes: 3010, Count: 207, 19-Aug-85 Title : Keywords: OLIVETTI M10 GENERAL INFORMATION HINT HELP This is a short text file on the Olivetti M10 which gives general information and hints on this portable computer. [72376,3352] ORGNIZ.BA Text, Bytes: 19727, Count: 78, 17-Dec-87 Title : Keywords: ASCII BASIC NEC 8201A PHONE DIALER DIRECTORY TODO APPOINTMENT CALENDAR ORGNIZ3 combines a phone dialer/directory, HP-style calculator, appointment calendar, to-do list, alarm clock, and timer all in one easy to use program. It requires the LINE program. Checksum = 1,219,132 [72376,3352] ORGNIZ.DOC Text, Bytes: 17337, Count: 59, 17-Dec-87 Title : Keywords: PHONE DIALER DIRECTORY HP CALCULATOR TIMER ALARM TODO APPOINTMENT CALENDAR Manual for ORGNIZ - a combination phone dialer/directory, appointment calendar, to-do list, HP calculator, alarm clock and timer [72007,1743] ADRIAN RYAN OVDBG4.EXE Bin, Bytes: 76160, Count: 18, 12-Aug-90 Title : Relocatable M/C DEBUG monitor for OLIVETTI M-10M Keywords: DEBUG ASSEMBLE DISASSEMBLE DUMP VIEW STEP HEX DECIMAL ASCII Re-locatable DEBUG for the OLIVETTI M-10M (U.S) computer. File is an MS-DOS binary self-extracting archive requiring about 260K of disk space to recover. Includes full documentation and assembly language source code. Features full memory re-location, assembler, dis-assembler, RAM/ROM code single step, printer O/P capability, full tutorial and much more. A. Ryan [72007,1743] [74716,3557] Gerald K Tsui PGMLEN.DOC Text, Bytes: 515, Count: 89, 21-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: PGMLEN PROGRAM LENGTH COUNT LONG SIZE DOCUMENTATION PGMLEN.LOW & PGMLEN.HIG WHICH ARE ML PROGRAM TO FIND THE LENGTH OF ANY FILE. [74716,3557] Gerald K Tsui PGMLEN.HIG Text, Bytes: 1310, Count: 62, 21-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: LENGTH SIZE PROGRAM COUNT LONG FILE Please refer to PGMLEN.DOC. This ML program will find the size of all types of files. Checksum: 68,211 [74716,3557] Gerald K Tsui PGMLEN.LOW Text, Bytes: 1310, Count: 36, 21-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: LENGTH ML BYTES LONG FILE SIZE PROGRAM Please refer to PGMLEN.DOC. This ML program will find the size of all types of files. Checksum: 68,568 [71310,2476] PIE.NEC Text, Bytes: 1475, Count: 67, 24-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC NEC 8201 PIE CHART GRAPH UTILITY Adaptation of PIE.100 for the NEC-8201; graphs pie charts. Note that LINE.NEC is required, see LINE.DOC in DL 7. Checksum: 84,870 [71555,1144] BILL ELKINS PIX.M10 Text, Bytes: 880, Count: 142, 12-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: RLE GRAPHICS PICTURE FBI RADAR New improved version of PIX.M10. This program will display run length encoded graphics on the Olivetti M-10 and the Radio Shack M-100. RLE sources on CServe are the FBI's ten most wanted, 10 most wanted, CB pictures and RADAR maps. Checksum = 48,110 Bill Elkins [74716,3557] Gerald K Tsui PLOT1.BAS Text, Bytes: 1365, Count: 143, 14-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: TEXT SCREEN PLOT ASM Program plots screen of formatted text similar to "Text Power 100" (c), the "Journalist" (c), or NEWTXT & PRN100. For use when the CRT PC-8241A is in use. PLOT2 pokes PLOT1.BAS program in high RAM; both programs saved as PLOT.CO = 300 bytes. Enter filename with .DO extension for plotting; exit with key. Checksum: 72,630 Gerald K. TSUI 74716,3557 [74716,3557] Gerald K Tsui PLOT2. Text, Bytes: 1335, Count: 84, 14-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: TEXT SCREEN PLOT ASM Program plots screen of formatted text similar to "Text Power 100" (c), the "Journalist" (c), or NEWTXT & PRN100. For use when the CRT PC-8241A is in use. PLOT2 pokes PLOT1.BAS program in high RAM; both programs saved as PLOT.CO = 300 bytes. Enter filename with .DO extension for plotting; exit with key. Checksum: 69,862 Gerald K. TSUI 74716,3557 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler PRNKYO.BA Text, Bytes: 8078, Count: 48, 26-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: PRINT PROCESSOR PRN100 CO ML KC-85 KYO-85 PRNKYO.BA is a Basic program for the KC-85 which loads a translation of PRN100.CO, Jim Irwin's popular text processor for the Model 100. See PRN100.DOC & PRN100.MOD (DL2) for documentation and PRNKYO.DOC (DL15) for additional important notes. A companion program, PRNPRT.BA (DL15) lets you customize PRNKYO.CO for your printer(s). Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler PRNKYO.DOC Text, Bytes: 2662, Count: 44, 26-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: PRINT PROCESSOR PRN100 CO ML KC-85 KYO-85 PRNKYO.BA is a Basic program for the KC-85 which loads a translation of PRN100.CO, Jim Irwin's popular text processor for the Model 100. This file gives a page of notes on it's installation and use of the print code install program, PRNPRT.BA. The real documentation is in PRN100.DOC & PRN100.MOD (DL2); you MUST download and read these. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler PRNPRT.BA Text, Bytes: 4851, Count: 55, 29-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: KC-85 KYO-85 KYO PRINT PROCESSOR SETUP CODES FONTS BA PRNKYO.BA is a Basic program for the KC-85 which loads a translation of PRN100.CO, Jim Irwin's popular text processor for the Model 100. PRNPRT.BA installs printer and font codes. See PRN100.MOD (DL2) & PRNKYO.DOC (DL15) for information. **Upload of 7/29/87 fixes a small syntax bug** Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125> [75716,637] RAMROM.NEC Text, Bytes: 1255, Count: 251, 29-Apr-85 Title : Keywords: ROM RAMROM This is a pgm writen by NEC.It turns ram bank #2 into the optional rom.It's public domain so have fun. checksum76,650 Bill Becker 75716,637 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura REFRNC.CAT Text, Bytes: 2697, Count: 187, 03-Feb-91 Title : Library Catalog - Reference Keywords: CATALOG REFERENCE TEXT NEC OLY This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which are reference materials, machine-specific for the NEC and Olivetti computers. [70526,471] RFU10.M10 Text, Bytes: 7625, Count: 109, 03-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: FILE UTILITY M10 SORT Jesse Bob Overholt's RFU.100 modified to work on the Olivetti M10, US version. The program requires SUBL10.CO, a collection of machine language routines created by the program SUBLDR.M10, also available in this XA. [75106,3463] ROMCAL.NEC Text, Bytes: 6045, Count: 238, 02-Mar-86 Title : Keywords: NEC 8201 ASSEMBLER ROM CALL ADDRESS This file contains a listing of useful ROM calls for the NEC PC8201a. All addresses are in hex, and information is given on how to use the calls. Mathematical calls are not included yet. If there is interest, another file will be uploaded with the MathROM calls. Have fun!! [75715,1370] ROMCAL.TXT Text, Bytes: 2290, Count: 256, 26-Mar-85 Title : Keywords: NEC ROM SUBROUTINE CALLS ROMCALLS Sample descriptions of NECy ROM calls. Specifically, for RST 3, RST 5, and lower-to-upper case subroutines. Additions welcomed. More to come if popular. [72227,3706] SAT.NEC Text, Bytes: 1569, Count: 63, 04-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC NEC SATELLITE DISH EVALUATOR TELEVISION TV PAY PC-8201 SATELLITE SITE EVALUATOR Check if your area is suitable for a satellite dish. Checksum: 89,615 [72456,3325] Steve Sagman SCHDUL.NEC Text, Bytes: 3705, Count: 235, 14-Sep-84 Title : Keywords: NEC 8201A SCHEDULE APPT APPOINTMENT SKED DATE REMINDER Revision of Roger L. Strand's XA2 SCHDUL.100 for NEC. Minds daily appointments. My best compromise between large features and small size. DWNCK=229,796 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura SCHEDL.CAT Text, Bytes: 1236, Count: 41, 03-Feb-91 Title : Library Catalog - Schedule Keywords: CATALOG SCHEDULE ALARM CLOCK APPOINTMENT This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which deal with scheduling, appointments, calendars, clocks, and alarms. [72456,3604] SCHRP2.NEC Text, Bytes: 1675, Count: 163, 20-Oct-84 Title : Keywords: TEXT SEARCH REPLACE GLOBAL New from G & M (Graff & Markel)! Son of SRCHRP! Now with selective replace/delete option! See each string in context, then decide whether or not to replace/delete it! No more worries when you want to delete "IN" in a program that also uses PRINT! You can use this feature or not, and you can "mix" both methods as you desire in running up to ten strings. Checksum: 107,409 George L. Graff (70305,701) Robinson Markel (72456,3604) [72456,3325] Steve Sagman SHTL27.DOC Text, Bytes: 2195, Count: 288, 01-Oct-84 Title : Keywords: SHTL27 SPACE SHUTTLE LANDING SIMULATOR SIMULATION GRAPHICS GRAPHIC DISPLAY GAME SHTL27.NEC documentation. [72456,3325] Steve Sagman SHTL27.NEC Text, Bytes: 6080, Count: 251, 01-Oct-84 Title : Keywords: SPACE SHUTTLE LANDING SIMULATOR GRAPHICS A Space Shuttle landing simulator with graphic display of landing area and runway approach. See SHTL27.DOC in this DL. Checksum: 383,009 [74646,656] SIZE.ASM Text, Bytes: 6195, Count: 70, 08-Aug-85 Title : Keywords: RAM FILE SIZE This program displays the size of a single RAM file selected by entering the name. Original program from Custom Software. Compiled using Custom Software's Assembler. Modifications to accurately determine size of BASIC files. [74646,656] SIZE.DOC Text, Bytes: 1860, Count: 77, 08-Aug-85 Title : Keywords: RAM FILE SIZE DOCUMENTATION Documentation for SIZE.ASM program. [75026,154] Mark Schneider SMARTT.NEC Text, Bytes: 5720, Count: 59, 30-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC NEC GAME BOARD TIC TAC TOE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SMART-TAC-TOE enables the computer to learn how to play, ere long a human will be unable to defeat the computer. Guaranteed! See SMARTT.DOC in DL 5. Checksum: 320,750 [74756,235] SPRDOC.NEC Text, Bytes: 17800, Count: 155, 25-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: SPREAD SPRDOC SPRGLO DOCUMENTATION NEC SPREADSHEET MINIVC This file contains the documentation for SPRED2.NEC. It was created by combining the files SPRDOC.WM3 and SPRGLO.WM3 by Woods Martin and editing the material for the NEC PC-8201A. ...Bill Grenke 74756,235 [70305,701] SPRED2.NEC Text, Bytes: 12890, Count: 268, 10-Aug-85 Title : Keywords: SPREADSHEET CALC NEC MINIVC SPREAD A freshly debugged version of SPRED2.NEC, the NEC version of SPREAD.WM3. Supports the PC8241 CRT adaptor and contains other special features, including variable column width, left or right label justification, modifiable global formatting, DIF compatibility and saving print formats in RAM. Use SPRDOC.WM3 for documentation, except use CTRL L instead of CTRL <-. Checksum: 824,146 PA: 115 [72456,3604] STARF2.DOC Text, Bytes: 765, Count: 200, 14-Sep-84 Title : Keywords: NEC GAME STARF DOCUMENT Brief instructions for playing STARF2. NEC. [72456,3604] STARF2.NEC Text, Bytes: 5040, Count: 214, 14-Sep-84 Title : Keywords: NEC GAME STAR STARFIGHTER STARF2.NEC replaces STARF and STARCR. It gives you the STARCR instruction screen if you want it, it doesn't if you don't. You need LINE.NEC to run this program. 5,040 bytes in text, 3,911 in BASIC. Checksum 306,494. Robinson Markel 72456,3604 [72277,1433] D&R ROWLAND STOCKS.NEC Text, Bytes: 3772, Count: 28, 17-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: CONTEST FINANCIAL GRAPHICS STOCKS NEC 8201A Program for tracking and reviewing stock holdings and financial condition. Checksum = 220730 [75166,2263] STRING.NEC Text, Bytes: 300, Count: 103, 17-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: STRING ART-LIKE DESIGN PROGRAM DISPLAY This simple program displays a "string art" style design so popular among advertisers these days. [75166,2263] STRNG2.NEC Text, Bytes: 345, Count: 44, 20-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: PRINTS OUT STRING ART STYLE PROGRAM EPSON RX 80 DOT Using DATA2.NEC, AND AN EPSON RX80 PRINTER (MAYBE OTHERS) YOU CAN PRINT OUT THE PATTERN SHOWN IN STRING.NEC [70526,471] SUBLDR.M10 Text, Bytes: 2890, Count: 122, 03-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: CO SUBROUTINE UTILITY M10 Jesse Bob Overholt's collection of machine language subroutines modified for the US version of Olivetti M10. See LIBDOC.M10 [74666,615] TELCOM.M10 Text, Bytes: 3440, Count: 194, 13-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: M10 OLIVETTI TELCOM POKES POKE This file originally appeared in PICO Magazine and appears here with their permission. This file shows you how to set the F6 and F7 keys to clear the screen and display the current filenames/free RAM count while you are online with TELCOM. Enjoy. [75716,637] TEXTFM.NEC Text, Bytes: 1895, Count: 193, 09-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: TEXT FORMAT PROGRAM NEC PRINT BASIC This is an easy to use text format program (with menu type instructions) Checksum: 109,373 Take Care Bill Becker 75716,637 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura THD-12.CAT Text, Bytes: 128, Count: 32, 03-Feb-91 Title : Library Catalog - Message Thread Keywords: CATALOG THREAD THD FILES MESSAGE BOARD This file lists names and descriptions of the thread (.THD) files in THIS Library. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler THINK.KYO Text, Bytes: 8359, Count: 56, 22-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: THINK KYO BA OUTLINE PROCESSOR THINKIT BASIC THINK.KYO is THINK.IT3 with the changes needed to make it run on the Kyo- 85. This is a very good outline processor for the Model 100/102, which has also been converted for use on the Tandy 200. Documentation is in THINK.DOC & THINK.DO3 (DL2). **Uploaded without testing; Please report results, either way** Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [75716,637] TINYMO.NEC Text, Bytes: 5050, Count: 164, 30-Apr-85 Title : Keywords: TINY MONITOR ASSEMBLER This is an easier with menu type instuctions moniter/assembler writen by NEC, checksum 290,055 have fun. Bill Becker 75716,637 [72456,3325] Steve Sagman TODO.DOC Text, Bytes: 490, Count: 402, 23-Oct-84 Title : Keywords: APPOINTMENT TODO REMINDER PHONE CALENDAR ALARM CALCULATOR DOCUMENTATION Documentation for TODO.NEC See also TODO.DOC in DL 4. (recommendation from Phil Pearsall: CLEAR 3000 in Line 10) [72456,3325] Steve Sagman TODO.NEC Text, Bytes: 8340, Count: 388, 23-Oct-84 Title : Keywords: APPOINTMENT TODO PHONE CLOCK CALENDAR ALARM CALCULATOR An easy to use appointment, todo reminder, phone lookup, perpetual calendar, alarm and calculator combination with great visual display ("windows"). Translated for NEC from TODO.PJP in DL 4. See TODO.DOC in this DL and also the one in DL 4. Requires alarm.DO with at least one entry. Checksum: 526,322 [74716,3557] Gerald K Tsui TXPLOT.DOC Text, Bytes: 1085, Count: 187, 21-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: DOCUMENTATION PLOT1 PLOT2 TXPLOT TEXT PLOT DOCUMENTATION FOR PLOT1 AND PLOT2 IN DL7 NAMELY TXPLOT IN GENERAL WHICH WILL PLOT A FORMATTED .DO FILE ON SCREEN, AS TEXT POWER 100 (C) JOURANLIST (C) BY PIXELS IN MACHINE CODE FAST . . . . . [76703,4311] Eiji Miura TXTFRM.CAT Text, Bytes: 2714, Count: 62, 03-Feb-91 Title : Library Catalog - Text Formatter Keywords: CATALOG TEXT FORMATTER WORD PROCESSING PRINTER This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which involve text formatting, word processing, and printer utility. [70117,2336] Philip Frank UNFRMT.DOC Text, Bytes: 4480, Count: 36, 11-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC NEC TEXT UNFORMAT STRIP CRS REMOVE CARRIAGE RETURNS The documentation/instructions for UNFRMT.NEC. Phil Frank, 70117,2336 [70117,2336] Philip Frank UNFRMT.NEC Text, Bytes: 3460, Count: 59, 11-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC NEC TEXT UNFORMAT STRIP CRS REMOVE CARRIAGE RETURNS This short program, written by Don Zeikel, deletes most carriage returns from downloaded text to enable the use of a text formatting program on the material. The program does not delete CR's on columns or otherwise pre-formatted text, but leaves it as downloaded. Checksum: 232,411 Phil Frank, 70117,2336 [73117,2006] USA.PMS Text, Bytes: 1940, Count: 79, 28-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC PATRIOTIC ALARM SOUND MUSIC STAR BANNER NEC All American Alarm... Your NEC MUST have LINE command enabled Set Alarm.... American Flag appears!!! Alarm goes off... and the National Anthem Plays! Then... the flag folds! [code for music taken from STARSB by Eiji Miura] Checksum: 112,227 by: Peter Stanwyck 73117,2006 [74716,3557] Gerald K Tsui UTILI.NEC Text, Bytes: 2725, Count: 134, 26-Aug-85 Title : Keywords: TEXT PLOT TXPLOT WORD COUNT WCOUNT PGMLEN ML FILE LENGTH Please use ULILI<.co for the PC-8241A CRT ADAPTER. THIS program is an integration of WCOUNT PGMLEN TXPLOT or PLOT and includes the SIZE coding by Chuck Laws 74646,656. Program length is only 1,386 bytes occupying memory from 60816 to 61572 (note: compare to approx 300 bytes for each separately.) See PGMLEN.DOC, and TXPLOT.DOC Note : key will exit the program to SYSTEM MAIN MENU. Checksum: 143,126 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura UTILTY.CAT Text, Bytes: 8797, Count: 135, 03-Feb-91 Title : Library Catalog - Utility Keywords: CATALOG UTILITY BARCODE DISASSEMBLER RFU This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which perform some utility functions. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler UTLKY.DOC Text, Bytes: 2028, Count: 68, 27-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: KYO KYO-85 KC-85 BA UTILITY UTLKY1.BA, UTLKY2.BA & UTLKY3.BA are three versions of a utility for the KC-85 computer (only!). UTLKY1.BA is the full version, and the others are subsets. Documentation is provided in UTLKY.DOC. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 Copyright 1987; released for unlimited distribution. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler UTLKY1.BA Text, Bytes: 2395, Count: 58, 27-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: KYO KYO-85 KC-85 BA UTILITY UTLKY1.BA, UTLKY2.BA & UTLKY3.BA are three versions of a utility for the KC-85 computer (only!). UTLKY1.BA is the full version, and the others are subsets. Documentation is provided in UTLKY.DOC. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 Copyright 1987; released for unlimited distribution. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler UTLKY2.BA Text, Bytes: 1644, Count: 28, 27-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: KYO KYO-85 KC-85 BA UTILITY UTLKY1.BA, UTLKY2.BA & UTLKY3.BA are three versions of a utility for the KC-85 computer (only!). UTLKY1.BA is the full version, and the others are subsets. Documentation is provided in UTLKY.DOC. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 Copyright 1987; released for unlimited distribution. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler UTLKY3.BA Text, Bytes: 1357, Count: 27, 27-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: KYO KYO-85 KC-85 BA UTILITY UTLKY1.BA, UTLKY2.BA & UTLKY3.BA are three versions of a utility for the KC-85 computer (only!). UTLKY1.BA is the full version, and the others are subsets. Documentation is provided in UTLKY.DOC. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 Copyright 1987; released for unlimited distribution. [75716,637] VARPTR.NEC Text, Bytes: 2930, Count: 173, 02-May-85 Title : Keywords: VARIABLE POINTER Instructions to program,along with good examples on how to work with your Necy are in REM CHECKSUM 165,377 have fun Bill Becker 75716,637 [72456,3604] WANGTC.NEC Text, Bytes: 3545, Count: 110, 30-Mar-84 Title : Keywords: WANG NEC TRANSFER UTILITY This is WANGTC from XA4, the long form with the friendly prompts, adapted for the NEC PC-8201. Robinson Markel (72456,3604) [74716,3557] Gerald K Tsui WCOUNT.LOW Text, Bytes: 1390, Count: 37, 21-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: WORD COUNT ML SIZE NUMBER Please refer to WCOUNT.DOC. This ML program will find the number of words as separated by spaces or any CTRL (including C/R and LF). Checksum: 72,956 [75166,2263] WORPR2.NEC Text, Bytes: 6255, Count: 290, 01-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC NEC TEXT PRINT FORMATTER WORD PROCESSSOR Print formatter program; can use embedded commands. Does right justification, multiple copies, page numbering et cetera. See WORPRO.DOC in DL 2 for instructions Checksum = 393,505 [72456,3604] WUMPUS.NEC Text, Bytes: 8985, Count: 188, 08-Mar-84 Title : Keywords: WUMPUS GAME NEC WUMPUS.2 for the NEC PC-8201. All the excellent graphics of the Model 100 version, translated into n82. See WUMPUS.DOC in XA3. [73125,151] XFILES.TIP Text, Bytes: 1480, Count: 100, 09-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: XFILES CO NEC 8201 TIP LOAD ML Tip regarding the transfering of XFILES.CO between banks and machines. David Satz [72456,3325] Steve Sagman XMODEM.DOC Text, Bytes: 3235, Count: 563, 11-Apr-85 Title : Keywords: NEC XMODEM UPLOAD DOWNLOAD FILE TRANSFER UTILITY COMMUNICATION XMODEM for the NEC 8201A. Provides error-free uploading/downloading. This file is the documentation. Checksum: 266,797 [72456,3325] Steve Sagman XMODEM.NEC Text, Bytes: 2775, Count: 610, 13-Apr-85 Title : Keywords: NEC XMODEM UPLOAD DOWNLOAD FILE TRANSFER COMM UTILITY XMODEM for the NEC 8201A. Provides error-free uploading/downloading. Adaptation of Rick Perry's XMODEM.312. See XMODEM.DOC in this DL for instructions. Checksum: 175,175 [72456,3325] Steve Sagman XMODEM.PCH Text, Bytes: 800, Count: 347, 01-May-85 Title : Keywords: XMODEM NEC 8201A FILE TRANSFER COMMUNICATE TELCOM TERM PATCH Patch and instructions to modify XMODEM.NEC so that the STAT setting used prior to execution of the program will be restored automatically. LIB 12 - NEC/Olivetti/Kyo-85