0 MAXFILES=1:CLEAR250:OPEN"[#]"FORAPPENDAS1:FORX=65110TO65116:PRINT#1,CHR$(PEEK(X));:NEXT:FORX=65144TO65154 1 S$=S$+CHR$(PEEK(X)):NEXT:Q$=CHR$(34):IFINSTR(S$,"k")<>0THENT$="(Bas)" 2 IFINSTR(S$,"DS")<>0THENT$="(Txt)" 3 IFINSTR(S$,"IO")<>0THENT$="(Cor)" 4 PRINT#1,T$:CLS:X$="load"+Q$+"cas:"+CHR$(13)+"run"+Q$+"casdir"+CHR$(13):GOSUB5:END 5 FORI=1TOLEN(X$):X!=(I-1)*2+65388:X=ASC(MID$(X$,I,1)):POKEX!,X:IFX>7THENPOKEX!+1,0ELSEPOKEX!+1,255 6 NEXTI:POKE65387,LEN(X$):RETURN 10 'CASDIR,Stig Hammond 12/10/85. You can copy or modify IF YOU KEEP THIS LINE. 11 'KYOTRONIC 85 VERSION, modification by Jay McCaslin-- [71500,3505] 12 'USE: Program creates a file containing complete directory of a cassette. 13 'Handy for discovering what's on old, unlabeled tapes. 14 'NOTE: Program MUST be called CASDIR, or line 3 changed to reflect new name. 15 'INSTRUCTIONS: Rewind tape, press "play" then RUN program. Go read a book. 16 'When tape finishes, hit shift- break, then MENU. Tape Directory is now in file [#].DO 17 'WORKINGS:Program writes part of second line of LCD (usually Found:FILNAM) to the [#].DO file. 18 'Third screen line will either be "Ok", for Basic files, "?DS Error", for text files, 19 'or "?IO Error", for corrupt files; correct response is written to [#].DO file. 20 'Then program tries to load from the cassette and runs itself again by sending X$ to suboutine 4 21 'which pokes it into the buffer as though it were typed in. 22 '(Stig's original program includes this line-- 23 '"Send questions to [71706,1313]" 24 '...but please note that he wrote the program for a Tandy 100.)