Family Regression This program will use standard linear regression techniques and linearizing tranformations to fit data from a .DO file with the following models: Y = A+B*X Linear Y = A+B*LOG(X) Logarithmic Y = A*EXP(B*X) Exponetial Y = A*X^B Power The values for A and B are returned with their associated correlation coef- ficient. Next the data is plotted on the LCD, followed by whichever fit the user selected. After loading the program into the computer, one must store the data to be fit into a .DO file. Select the TEXT mode and enter the data as pairs of independent and dependent values, in the following way: 1.1,2.8 2,3.87 2.92,5.02 3.77,6.091 4.72,7.21 Once the data is entered then exit the TEXT select the FAMREG program. The following will be displayed on the LCD: FAMILY REGRESSION THIS PROGRAM WILL DO LINEAR(N), EXPONENTIAL(E), LOGARITHMIC(L), AND/OR POWER(P) FITS TO DATA IN A .DO FILE, PRINT THE FACTORS, AND PLOT BOTH DATA AND FITS. At the bottom of the LCD will be the following question: WHICH .DO FILE IS TO BE FIT? The user will then need to enter the name of the in which the data stored. This question will disappear and be replaced with the following: WHICH FITS (ENTER LETTER)? The user will then the letter assoc- iated with the model desired. For instance, if one wanted only to do an exponential fit, then only an E is entered. However, if a linear and a exponential fit is desired then either NE or EN would be entered. Once the types of fits are selected, then the LCD is cleared and the word WORKING is displayed in the center. After a moment A, B and the correlation coefficient will be displayed for a particular fit. For instance, a linear fit of the above example would return the following: LINEAR FIT -> Y = B*X+A A = 1.44247 B = 1.22527 CORR. COEFF. = .99929 Each selected fit will be displayed separately. After all the fits have been displayed, then the LCD will be cleared and the data poits plotted. Next a selected fit will be plotted over the data. When that fit is plot- ted, an abbreivation of the type of fit (i.e. LIN., EXP., LOG. or POW.) will appear on the left side to the LCD. When the user is ready to plot the next fit, one need only hit any key. If there are no more fits then END appear left side. The checksum=371,870. This program must have LINE.CO from DL7 to run. One last note, with a little thought, one could use lines 900-1380 to plot most any X-Y graph one might want. Hope you find this useful, Randy Kays [74766,3553]