LFKYO.THD --- Copyright 1987 by Phil Wheeler An original compilation of Compuserve Model 100 Forum messages for use by Forum members only. Continuing in our tradition of providing the world's foremost support to the KC-85 computer, here is yet another informational file on this distant relative of the Model 100. This file discusses the poke to add a linefeed on Telcom transmissions. Message range: 159832 to 160277 Dates: 11/6/87 to 11/12/87 Sb: #TELCOM LF patch Fm: Neil Smith 76257,3227 To: All K85 owners According to my calculations, the TELCOM linefeed patch should be at address 63073. Can anybody confirm this for me? (POKE63073,1 should add linefeeds to all carriage returns in uploaded files, while POKE63073,0 should restore the default--no linefeeds.) The other way to check it is to PEEK the previous five bytes, which should contain 11, 0, 100, 255, and 0. 63073 should also be 0 if you haven't already tried the above POKE, and 63074 should be 53. This is a bit embarrassing, but I have misplaced my notes on what value is returned when you do a PEEK(1) on a K85 (and this info has not made it into the PGMTIP.010 file yet). Could someone please check this for me, too? Fm: Phil Wheeler 71266,125 To: Neil Smith 76257,3227 Looks good, based on my earlier dump of high RAM in a Kyo. Next bytes are a RAM version of Stat. 11 didn't show up tho -- but not in my M100 either. Fm: Neil Smith 76257,3227 To: Phil Wheeler 71266,125 Phil - Thanks for coming to my recue once again. I guess I'll assume it's correct. (Although I still hope some K85 owner who reads this can test it, plus give me the PEEK(1) value again.) Fm: Phil Wheeler 71266,125 To: Neil Smith 76257,3227 Yes, a test is best. My info is from comparing M100 and Kyo high RAM dumps (I have complete ROM/RAM dumps for both machines). But I never tried it in the 3 weeks I had my hands on a Kyo. Fm: Neil Smith 76257,3227 To: Phil Wheeler 71266,125 Uh - If you have the ROM dump handy, could you give me the PEEK(1) value again? (I can't find which file I put it in last time you gave it to me. {sheepish grin}) Fm: Phil Wheeler 71266,125 To: Neil Smith 76257,3227 First 3 bytes are c3 e1 79 ----> E1. Fm: Neil Smith 76257,3227 To: Phil Wheeler 71266,125 Thank you! I have written it on my copy of PGMTIP.010 so I can't lose it again.