0 'LFUTL.M10 -- A "universal" Line Feed Utility which implements Hugo Ferreyra's FIXLF.HF1 1' and Don Corbitt's TELCOM linefeed patch in a single, menu-driven utility. 2' It is a module of my current on-board Utility program, hence the structure. 3 'Note that FIXLF.HF1 is copyrighted by Hugo, and released "for non-commercial use only". 4 ' Olly M10 version, produced with help from Neil Smith of Travelling Software 5 ' 6 ' Phil Wheeler:10/1/85 7 GOTO20 8 MENU 20 CLS:RV$=CHR$(27)+"p":NO$=CHR$(27)+"q":A=64232:B=63069 22 KEY8,"Menu"+CHR$(13)+CHR$(254)+CHR$(13)+CHR$(245)+CHR$(62)+CHR$(10)+CHR$(204)+CHR$(68)+CHR$(109)+CHR$(241)+CHR$(201) 24 PRINT:PRINT"Select Option:":PRINT:PRINT,"P)rnt LF",,"C)omm LF",,"T)op Menu" 26 ONINSTR("pPcCtT",INPUT$(1))GOTO30,30,40,40,8,8:GOTO26 30 CLS:F$=" Off ":P=PEEK(A)+256*PEEK(A+1):IFP=63618THENF$=" On " 32 PRINT:PRINT"Printer LF"RV$F$NO$:PRINT:PRINT,"E)nable",,"D)isable",,"T)op Menu" 34 ONINSTR("eEdDtT",INPUT$(1))GOTO36,36,38,38,8,8:GOTO34 36 POKEA,130:POKEA+1,248:GOTO30 38 POKEA,58:POKEA+1,127:GOTO30 40 CLS:F$=" Off ":IFPEEK(B)<>0THENF$=" On " 42 PRINT:PRINT"Upload LF"RV$F$NO$:PRINT:PRINT,"E)nable",,"D)isable",,"T)op Menu" 44 ONINSTR("eEdDtT",INPUT$(1))GOTO46,46,48,48,8,8:GOTO44 46 POKEB,1:GOTO40 48 POKEB,0:GOTO40