While full playing instructions for playing MAZE.3D are in MAZDOC in XA3, a variation from the M100 version should be noted. In the M100 version, the command "*" displays the coordinates of the exit (in 3 digits), while command "?" dis- plays the coordinates of the player's present location. In the NECky version, the "?" command displays "You are N from exit". You are shown your distance from the exit, but not the directions in which you need to move in order to get there. Also, this display appears as soon as the action starts after initialization; you can toggle it off with the "?" command if you like shooting in the dark. The display of exit coordinates is normally off; the "*" command toggles it on; it isn't terribly useful anyway unless you know your present position, which I have made sure you won't (heh heh). Robinson Markel 72456,3604