CCITT/BELL KIT and CCITT/BELL Kit Plus RzK, D. Koepke Bitzenstrasse 11 D-5464 Asbach Ww. West Germany Tel. 02683/4547 Telex 910 350 6917 UD (in USA) Using M100 in other countries like Australia, South and Latin America and Europe will show you the need for a CCITT-Modem. With our CCITT/BELL Kits you do not need an extra CCITT Modem with power supply, modem Cable a.s.o.: The M100 Orig/Ans switch get a worldwide dimension. Allways in originate mode it brings you from BELL to CCITT and back. With a little soldering our CCITT/BELL Kit is installed easyly. (But we can do the soldering for you if you prefer.) Our CCITT/BELL Kits work in Sydney, Frankfurt and LA as well as in Oslo. There are to versions available: 1. CCITT/BELL $45.00 2. CCITT/BELL Plus $90.00 ---- Both work in BELL mode without any changes in software. In CCITT mode TELCOM is compatible, but the BASIC OPEN "MDM:" has to be done by some extra routines. They are part of the Kit. CCITT/BELL Plus contains a replacement of the original ROM. All famous EMAIL,XMODEM, SIG ... programs run even in CCITT switch position without any change. Additionaly you have a free socket for a second 27C256 EPROM. There you can have your own optional EPROM. To get the Kits write EMAIL to [ 70126,1660] or send check (handling etc. is included). To pay with Mastercard please send: bankcardnumber,Interbank#,expirationdate and do not forget your adress!