DASM - A Full-featured Disassembler From Micro Demon, Inc. P.O. Box 50162 Columbia, SC 29250 Phone:803-733-0980 CIS 75515,1507 DASM is more than just a disassembler, it is a ROM investigators tool. Of course DASM will provide you with a disassembly of machine code, but also you can easily follow the logic of the disassembly. When you see an instruction such as CALL 23000 Then pressing the F1 function key will cause the disassembly to continue at location 23000. At a later time, pressing F3 will cause the disassemnly to resume at the location at which 23000 was called. The use of the F1,F3 key combinations can be nested deeply enough to handle routines with many level of subroutine calls. You can choose to have the output in either decimal or hexadecimal. You can interrogate any range of memory for its ASCII contents. You can choose to have the disassembly proceed automatically, or you can have one line disassembled with each keystroke. You can choose to have the output directed to the display, a file, the RS-232 interface, or the printer. By pressing the T key, you can request the BASIC keyword associated wit any BASIC token. Similarly, by pressing C, you can request the ASCII character corresponding to any ASCII value. And, DASM effectively gives you a 16 line display! Just press the ESC key at any time, and you will see the previous 8 lines of the disassembly. DASM is a BASIC program, and requires about 7K of RAM. DASM sells for just $29.95 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. But DASM is FREE to any member of the Model 100 SIG with the purchase of the assembler ASM. VISA, MC, COD, Check, Money Order are all accepted.