This is a preliminary review of Tandy's new ROM based software "Interactive Solutions", cat number 26-3844. OVERVIEW ---------- Interactive Solutions ROM (ISR) is a combined data base manager, spreadsheet and word processor. Installation is as simple as installing new batteries, but care should be taken to avoid static problems, information for which is adequately covered hn the instructions. Being a ROM based product it cannot be used with any other ROM (Multiplan, Lucid etc). Additionally the documentation indicates incompatability with the D.V.I., although I do not have a disk system, so cannot comment. All files are saveable and loadable to/from cassette. After installation in the ROM port the program is accessed via a two line basic program, which simply clears 0,60200 and calls 63012. Running this brings up a copyright notice, followed by the main menu - which gives access to the three programs :- DATA MANAGER ------------ This is a data base manager program. I have not used a D.B. before but found no problem using it. In order to enter information it is first necessary to create a layout form. This may seem complex, but once a "blank form" has been set up ant number of records can be entered, without redoing the form. The form can be up to 20 lines long, and 40 columns wide. 20 fields are permitted, of four types- 1) Numeric (up to 14 digits) 2) Alphanumeric (up to 80 charcters) 3) Phone number (one field only- to be used for auto dialing). 4) Comments (up to 40 characters, although every 16 characters count as a field) The first three types can include a label (up to 15 characters). Forms are created by positioning the cursor with the arrow keys and typing the needed information. After creation forms may be modified, but once data has been entered the order of fields cannot be changed,although the positioning can be. When ready to enter data you simply enter the name of the form and the "blank form" appears, with the cursor sitting at the first field. If the information entered is the same length as the spaces left the cursor moves automatically to the next field, otherwise or the arrow keys may be used. Records, consisting of several completed forms, can be displayed or printed (up to 9 fields can be printed at a time, in any order), after first selecting conditional features on all,some,one or no fields. For example if field 1 was the date: specifying >81285 would result in those records newer than August 12th being included. Alphanumeric fields can be "=", meaning an exact match, or "#", meaning at least a partial match. Records can also be sorted (Ascending or descending), by any field, prior to printing. Records can be updated, including adding and subtracting to numeric fields, as well as overwriting any field. Individual records can also be deleted. Records can be copied for subsequent "pasting" into text files, for subsequent word processing. DATA CALC --------- This is a very limited spreadsheet. Simple sheets, up to 99*99 can be generated. The main problem relates to the fact that formula can only be entered into complete rows or columns, not into individual cells only. So if you want to total one column (say column 5 rows 2 to 10) and put the total into cell C5R11, you cannot do this without also totalling all the columms in the spreadsheet, putting the results in cells C1R11,C2R11,C3R11 etc. Formatting is limited to width, all numbers being right justified and text left justified. Formulas can specify Integer,Dollar or floating point, but numbers entered directly are displayed, and printed, exactly as entered. Any part of the spreadsheet can be copied into a text file, for use in the word processor. WORD PROCESSOR -------------- This is basically the standard TEXT with the addition of a "mail merge". Additionally margins, headers, footers, page breaks, justification, page numbering, line spacing etc may also be set, both in a set up file and (temporarily), within text. The mail merge feature allows the merging of a text file (letter) with the data base (addresses). You can selectively merge any or all fields of the data base, specifying criteria for inclusion (or exclusion). For exmple, all addresses in particular state, and/or all people over a certain age. OVERALL ------- If you are thinking of getting this ROM for serious spreadsheet use I would advise against it. Despite this shortcoming I would still highly recommend it for the ability to combine a (SIMPLE) spreadsheet with a data base manager and a word processor. Transfer of information between the three programs is relatively easy, and is especially usefull in the "mail merge" area. USES ---- I haven't had the ROM too long, but have found it invaluable. One of the main uses I have found is in expense report tracking. I hawe one blank form with the various headings. This prompts me to enter relevant expenses. At the end of a period of travelling I simply merge this with the complete report (after sorting by date, totals being calculated by transfering to a spreadsheet. I would appreciate any comments, both on this review (Which is my first attempt at this sort of thing), and also on the ISR, from any other users. Nigel Hackett 73106,1237