LU.THD --- Copyright 1987 by Phil Wheeler An original compilation of Compuserve Model 100 Forum messages for use by Forum members only. The advent of laptop User (LU), published by J.D. Hildebrand, earlier this year caused much rejoicing here. Finally, a responsive magazine with staying power -- or so we thought. Alas, as recent messages and lack of delivery suggests, LU looks to have been short-lived. Nothing official, yet, but... . This file contains recent messages about the LU situation. Message range: 150769 to 151424 Dates: 6/22/87 to 7/1/87 Fm: Joe Wasserman 73117,3600 To: ANYONE Haven't received the May issue of LTU yet and don't know if I ever will the way things are sounding!! I wrote the GREED program that is in the May issue and would very much like to have a copy of it. Willing to pay copy charges and postage to anyone who will send me a copy. Better yet, if anyone has a magazine they don't need I'm willing to pay a reasonable price to get one. Fm: DAVE SCHNEIDER 75725,1204 To: Joe Wasserman 73117,3600 Joe, I have at least one copy of the LTU with your fine program in it (though I'd downloaded it from the SIG and become addicted long before LTU arrived). I'd be happy to send the issue to you if you'll let me know where to direct it -- that's still not thanks enough for a neat game. Best, Dave Fm: Caroline Minori 73347,345 To: J.D. Hildebrand 73717,2674 Dear J. D. I've tried calling your (617)-745-7027 number and couldn't get through. I've written the manual for my program, PRIVATE BOOKKEEPER and hav have printed up copies. Are you still interested in reviewing it? if you are, where shall I send it? Do you want cassette of cn or can you use disk formatted with Traveling Software TS-DOS. I'd like some information on advertising rates and how you want copies prepared and I'd like to know how I can subscribe myself. Fm: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 To: Caroline Minori 73347,345 JD has not been by here in over a month. Suggest you send your message via EasyPlex, as that will have the best chance of reaching him. Fm: Caroline Minori 73347,345 To: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 Thanks for the information. I did try Easyplex but there was no room and message was sent back. I've been out of touch myself wr working on this manual. What has happened to LAPTOP USER? Is it still around? Also I would like to upload a prgram for the Library but I'm not sure how one goes about figuring out what the checksum is. Any suggestions? Fm: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 To: Caroline Minori 73347,345 We don't know about Laptop User. There were 2 issues, some of us didn't get the second one. But all of a sudden JD isn't around, and folks can't reach him by phone. Fm: David Sumner 75515,1507 To: Caroline Minori 73347,345 Don't hold your breath. Laptop User appears to be busted. I wrote two articles [three actually] for them, and I've had two bounced checks and J.D. Hildebrand is impossible to get hold of. Fm: David Sumner 75515,1507 To: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 J.D. Appears to have gone into hibernation. I've gotten two checks from laptop user that have bounced! [One went through]. Fm: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 To: David Sumner 75515,1507 Thanks for the information... the clouds are getting darker. Fm: David Sumner 75515,1507 To: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 More like a thunderstorm in progress.