2015 NE 89th #104 Seattle, WA 98115 December 2, 1987 80 Micro 80 Elm Street Peterborough, NH 03458 Dear Editors: I am writing to express my disappointment in your treatment of Tandy laptop computer owners. You never actually notified us that you had stopped covering our computers until a cryptic comment in the November issue that mentioned that you had "picked up and discarded" the Model 100 family. Since that was news to me, I grabbed the top handful of magazines off my pile of back issues, and went through them one-by-one, starting with May 1986, which featured a Model 100 on the cover. Each of the next four issues had at least one review and/or feature article featuring the portables and products for them. The September 1986 issue didn't mention the portables in the "battle plan," but there was no mention that they were being dropped, either. Sure enough, in at least eight of the next twelve issues (I don't know about the June 1987 issue because there was a subscription fulfillment problem. When I notified you, I was told I would be receiving the issue, but several weeks later I was told I wouldn't, and I didn't.), there were either Express Checkouts, New Product announcements, Reviews, and/or articles about the Model 100 family. Two others had Model 100 information in the Feedback Loop section, though I would expect that to be the case even if the portables were formally dropped elsewhere. Even the December 1987 issue had a Model 100-related New Product announcement. You obviously didn't notify the advertisers, either, as Model 100-specific ads appeared in at least every issue through September 1987. You also did not tell your readers who don't own MS-DOS computers how to cancel their subscription and get a refund for unmailed issues. This hurt the TRSDOS owners, as well. All in all, we have just witnessed some of the most irresponsible actions by a magazine that I am aware of. Considering how valuable 80 Micro has been to its readers, it is quite a shock. Enclosed is the copy of the January 1987 issue which is useless to me. Please promptly refund the last six months of my subscription. Sincerely, Neil Smith PS I am also disappointed that the TRS-80 Support Monthly Newsletter advertised in the January 1987 Classifieds, is not included in the list of 1/III/4 magazines on page 8 of the same issue, as I assume that's where it belongs.