QUOTE.THD --- Copyright 1987 by Phil Wheeler An original compilation of Compuserve Model 100 Forum messages for use by Forum members only. Occasionally there are some quotable statements in the Forum message base which, while not fitting into a memorable thread, are too choice to let scroll off. This file is a collection of selected "one-liners" from M100SIG messages. It will be updated as material becomes available. This is only the beginning; put your best in a message (relevent or not!) and we will immortalize it (well...if we FIND it)! Message range: 145874 to 146037 Dates: 4/18/87 to 4/20/87 Fm: Tony Russomanno 76703,4164 To: Mike Anders, PCSG 70526,1715 We used to have this joke at ABC about what it would be like if the network covered Moses coming down from the mountaintop: "God delivered his Ten Commandments to Moses today, the three most significant of which are..." Fm: Mark Lutton 73106,1627 To: Tony Russomanno 76703,4164 Actually if the networks were covering Moses and the Ten Commandments, they'd cut the story short so they could do a feature on the Golden Calf. Fm: Tony Russomanno 76703,4164 To: Mark Lutton 73106,1627 Only if it had two heads. Fm: Tony Russomanno 76703,4164 To: Jeff Sass 73557,1232 Asking about a Model 102 on this forum is like asking a real estate agent if you should buy a house.