Planet Protector Prize has been won! |
Posted: 10/29/2023
It took a couple of decades, but someone finally played and beat the NEC version of the Planet Protector game, and won a free XPROM chip!
And the winner is: Renee Rickert
Congratulations, Renee!
Side project for a dead Model 100 |
Posted: 4/22/2023
I had a TRS-80 Model 100 with a dead motherboard, and decided to morph it into a Linux machine with a wide display. I felt it was a great way to give the machine a chance at a new life. The keyboard is actually from a Tandy 102 (also dead), which has an even better feel to it.

You can read more about the project here.
Come be a part of the community on the Model 100 Mailing List! |
Posted: 6/26/2020
The Model 100 Mailing List is meant for all users of the original Model T notebook computers, from the TRS-80 Model 100, Tandy 102 & 200, Olivetti M-10, Kyocera KC-85, and NEC PC-8201A & PC-8300.
There are hundreds of members on the list, and if you are not yet a part of the community, you really should consider it. This is the place where announcements of new hardware and software are made when they become available. It's where you'll hear about things like the new REX# & REXCPM products for your computer. Come be a part of it!
NEC PC-8300 128K System EPROM! |
Posted: 6/14/2020
Did you end up with an NEC PC-8300 off of eBay that no longer has it''s original system ROM, and instead has some sort of dedicated "industrial" application ROM installed?
Well now you can restore the functionality of your NEC PC-8300 to its original state with a solution illustrated right here in the tech area.
You will end up with a modified 32-pin chip installed into your 28-pin socket that looks like this:

Who says your Model T can only have one Option ROM at a time? |
Posted: 3/14/2016
REX - The ultimate option ROM/RAM add-on! Tired of only having one option ROM installed in your Model 100 or NEC? Introducing REX, the add-on that plugs right into your existing ROM socket and delivers 768 Kbytes of flexible flash storage, all selectable by some very robust software written by Steve Adolph. You need one of these babies. Visit the online store run by Gregory McGill, ArcadeShopper.com, to place an order!
Greg also has 8K RAM modules, power supplies, and various other items for sale for your Model T, so be sure to check it out.
- Fits into your standard Option ROM socket
- Stores up to 768 KBytes of ROM images, selectable via software
- Available for the Model 100, Model 102, and Model 200. (NEC version called the "REX3" also available for special order -- contact Stephen Adolph directly.)
Alive and kicking! |
Posted: 3/14/2016
I know you've not heard much from me lately, but I wanted to assure you of something: Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated! But, sadly, Web 8201 was gone for a few years, for two reasons: The web server hardware died, and at the time I let the domain name lapse as well. In fact my retro-computing hobby went on extended hiatus, which is something I didn't expect. A few years later and I find myself here: Missing the entire vintage notebooks community. Therefore resurrection of Web 8201 had to happen. Further, it is how hosted at an actual hosting service, and there's no more risk of my own personal hardware meeting an untimely quest for the after-life.
My apologies for being away for so long. I only hope that Web 8201's resurrection is met with enthusiasm by anyone out there still playing with NEC and Tandy vintage laptops.
Take care, all!
Ultrascreen100, an amazing software utility |
Posted: 11/23/2007
Ultrascreen100 was the most significant display enhancement ever to come along for the Model 100. It switches your display into a smaller font and gives you 60 columns by 10 lines, and as you can see from the screenshot in the picture gallery, it is still perfectly legible even with the reduced font size. That's 600 characters you get on the screen at one time, versus the standard 320. Even more, the Ultrascreen100 software was *very* smoothly integrated with the machine. The Main menu is always in the standard 40x8 mode, but when you jump into BASIC, TEXT, or TELCOM, you automatically switch into the 60x10 mode. Compared to Travelling Software's View80, which only gives you a 60x8 screen and requires activation through an extra step in their ROM software, Ultrascreen100 was clearly the better choice. If you have a Model 100 and you're interested in this utility, it is now freely available for download.
Now wait a minute, why am I on the subject of a Model 100 program here at Web 8201? *HUGE smirk* Well, you see, it's like this: A fortunate series of events has recently gotten me in touch with Daniel Born, the author of this software. If you know me, and my history in the Model T computing community, then I probably don't even need to mention what is about to come into reality. All I can say is, stay tuned! There's more news to be told in the near future.
New NEC Technical Documents |
Posted: 11/13/2007
A few new documents have been added to the Technical Docs. Finally, the most comprehensive collection of hardcore reference material on the NEC PC-8201A & PC-8300 is now available in PDF format! PC-8200 Technical Notes, NEC PC-8201A Service Manual w/Schematics, NEC PC-8201A Technical Reference, and NEC PC-8300 Technical Reference are the new additions. Everything from software through hardware is covered in exquisite detail. These documents are a must have if you''re interested in doing low level machine-code programming or hardware modifications to your NEC.
Fun with an EPROM burner... |
Posted: 11/12/2007
It's not an incredible breakthrough, but it's kind of fun... I've burned personalized system ROMs for my NEC PC-8201 and PC-8300. Check out the Picture Gallery to see a screen shot. Along with my name on the menu screen, I've "fixed" the year so it displays "20" as the first two digits on the main menu instead of "19". It's purely a cosmetic change, but I really got tired of my NEC displaying "1901". Also, on a cold start the machine defaults to "01/01/01" instead of "83/01/01". I know, this isn't terribly important but hey, I'm going for feel here!
12/7/2002 Update -- I've also been able to accomplish the same for my Tandy Model 100! This was a bit more tricky, as the Model 100's System ROM socket is not pin-for-pin compatible with a 27C256 EPROM like the NEC's socket is. I had to build a pin-swapping socket adapter. If you're ambitious with little electronics projects, check out the "Model 100 Y2K Fix" in the Technical Docs section.
Tips on creating software that runs across multiple Model-T platforms |
Posted: 1/2/2005
The "Model-T" name is used to refer to the entire family of the Kyocera notebooks, which include the TRS-80 Model 100 and the NEC PC-8201A.
The two BASIC dialects differ slightly, along with their ROM & upper-RAM addresses. However, it certainly is possible to write a program that runs on both platforms, completely unchanged. If you''re interested in this concept, check out this page: Designing Cross-Compatible programs for the Model 100 & NECs.
Announcing the NEC PC-8401A / PC-8500 File Area! |
Posted: 11/21/2004
Web8201 now has a file download area for the CP/M based vintage notebooks from NEC, known as the PC-8401A (Starlet) and PC-8500. If you have any technical information or a collection of files that you would like to submit, please contact me at my email address listed at the bottom of this page. Your contributions will be much appreciated!
Replacement system ROMs |
Posted: 3/29/2003
If you've obtained the NEC PC-8201A or PC-8300, but it has a custom system ROM because it was used in some dedicated application, there really isn't much you can do with the machine. What you really need is a replacement system ROM that has the original NEC operating system.
I can help you with this! Just contact me at the email address shown at the bottom of this page and we can work out the details.
File Library |
Posted: 12/16/2002
I've recently expanded this area quite a bit. The M100 SIG library is now online! This SIG was a forum that served the Kycoera-laptop community (Tandy Model 100/102/200/600/WP2, NEC's, Kyo-85, Olivetti M-10). There is literally over 23 megabytes of files in this library. I also have the entire library in a .ZIP file for easy download for those with high-bandwidth internet connections. The entire Club 100 library (from www.club100.org) is also now mirrored here.
NEC Users: If you've found a program in any of the Model 100 libraries that you're interested in, it is quite possible that the program can be converted to run on your NEC. Check out the "BASCON" and "BINCON" programs in the "DOS" file download area. These aid in the conversion of BASIC and machine language programs. I'm also certainly willing to assist in program conversions, just ask.
Custom Option ROMs |
Posted: 7/7/2001
WEB 8201 now provides the service of creating custom option ROMs for the NEC PC-8201A and PC-8300 computers. Click on "Custom Option ROMs!" on the menu for more details.
Model 100 to NEC Program Conversion |
Posted: 1/20/1999
I have finally finished the new version of "BASCON", my Model 100 to NEC program conversion software. This conversion program runs on a regular PC and takes any ASCII saved BASIC programs and changes all of the PRINT@ statements to the appropriate LOCATE X,Y statements for the NEC. It also attempts to convert any CALL addresses to the NEC equivalents, as well as PEEK and POKE addresses. This is a major step in ease of conversion of Model 100 programs to the NEC computers. Check out BASCON.ZIP in the File Downloads area.
NEC / Model 100 Memory Map Cross Reference |
Posted: 1/20/1999
The M100/NEC RAM/ROM address cross reference table is complete! I've been able to convert the important common ROM entry and upper-RAM addresses using the various M100/102 memory maps and a disassembly of both the M100 and NEC's ROMs. It is available in the Technical Docs area.